Chapter 8: Arrival on Namek

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Hey all, I would like to apologize for the late turnout of this chapter. I know it's been over a year since the last one was released, but I've been juggling work, school, and taking care of my family. I made this chapter extra extra long to make up for it, as well as added to one or two previous chapters. I hope you all enjoy and thank you for your support!


It's been almost a week since Steera, Shin, and I left Earth for Namek. During that time we've done our best to prepare for what Carr said is to come, by image training with each other. We can only hope that it's enough and that we can get the Dragon Balls revived back on Earth before whatever it is comes. I walk to the front view port, look out across the vast, black expanse of space, and see our destination quickly approaching.

"Shin, Steera we are about to arrive to Namek," I call out to the both of them as I take my seat and strap in.

Both of them take their seats and strap themselves in, with Steera taking hold of the control stick and pushing buttons getting ready for re-entry.

"Alright, everyone hang on. Not sure how re-entry is going to play out with this ship," Steera says gripping the control stick with both hands.

I look over at Shin who seems a tad uneasy but trying not to let it show. I can't help but giggle at his failed attempt at hiding his growing panic. We enter the atmosphere and watch as the fire slips around the view port. We cut through the atmosphere, and Steera starts pushing buttons and flipping switch's slowing our speed down.

The ship touches down with a dull *thump* and a slight shudder. Steera let's out a slow breath and let's go of the control stick.

"Stuck the landing," I say, unclasping my harness and standing.

"Yes we did. Sadly this ship probably won't be making it off this planet. Just got to hope Carr brings a big enough ship with him when he comes," Steera says, unclasping her own harness and standing shaking her arms out.

"Right, and let's hope it's soon. I don't want to be here any longer than we need to be," Shin says pressing the panel to open the airlock.

We wait for the door to open, and once it has, we step out into the light of the sun. Our eyes adjust and we behold a landscape of green water, and blue islands. The weather is pleasantly warm with a very pleasant breeze blowing. I cast my senses outward to find the nearest life form and feel many different ones scattered across the planet. Then a bunch of larger powers grab my full attention.

I focus on these larger power levels, and I instantly break out in a cold sweat. They are immense, many times stronger than Lettu had been, and they are extremely malicious, especially one in particular. This one power level dwarfs all the others by a far margin. I'm so focused on this power level I barely notice they are headed towards us in time.

"Scatter and hide!" I say, then dive into a crevice in the rock face not too far from where I had been standing, while lowering and completely hiding my power level.

I watch as the other two hide as well, Shin diving into the water, while Steera climbs in next to me. The ripples from Shin had barely settled when 20-30 individuals go flying by quickly, but not before I take note of the one in the lead. A tall figure with horns atop his head, wearing the same armor Lettu had been, and a long reptilian like tail. The malicious intent I felt coming off of him made my hands shake. But following behind him was a tall light green skinned man with dark green hair, and a heavy set pink individual. The rest looked like foot soldiers.

As I begin to think no one had noticed the ship, the heavier pink individual stops and comes back around, and lands next to the ship staring at it. They glance around and their eyes come to rest on the crevice Steera and I are hiding in. I finally notice the device on the side of its face, covering the left eye. It's the same thing Lettu had been wearing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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