Chapter 2: Carr-Reunion

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I step up into the arena and take up my position at the end. I am now 18 and this will be my second time fighting in the World Martial Arts Championship. My opponent steps up onto the opposite end and walks to their spot. Their face is hidden in the shadows of the hooded cloak they are wearing. Suddenly I'm surrounded by a wrecked city, and a robed figure with a golden mask stands before me. I stumble backward at the sudden appearance, but just as quickly as it popped up, it disappears, leaving just the lone cloaked figure on the other end of the arena. But unlike before, they have their head tilted and I can feel the questioning look coming from them.

"If it isn't too much trouble, I would like to see the face of the person I'm about to fight. Unless you have a particular reason to hide your face that is?" I say to the cloaked figure.

I watch as they reach up and undo the clasp at the top of the cloak. Then they push back the hood revealing short, black, somewhat spiky hair, violet eyes, scarred nose, and a very pretty face with a smile. She is adorned in a closer fitted gi, that is white with a blue belt and wrist bands. Then they proceed to toss the cloak off behind them. Something familiar about the looks and smile strikes a chord but I can't place or remember what.

"Well, with how polite you asked, I felt the need to honor your request. But it is up to you to decide if I had a reason to wear a cloak to begin with," she says with a warm smile and a wink.

"With a face as beautiful as yours, I cannot begin to imagine why you would wear anything to hide your face, let alone a smile such as yours," I reply with a warm smile of my own.

Her cheeks grow a tinge of red and her smile softens into an even warmer one. "My, my, you are as sweet as you are handsome. What a charmer you are," she replies back.

"I wouldn't say I am a charmer. You are the first person I've talked to in five years," I say with a chuckle.

She looks at me for a brief moment, then throws her head back and laughs. Thats when it comes flooding back to me. The dreams I've been having. They weren't dreams at all, but memories. As the memories come flooding back, so does a name. The name I have been searching so hard for.

"Karra?" I whisper, stunned. Her laughter cut's off almost immediately. She looks at me stunned.

"What did you say?" she asks, her voice quiet.

"Karra? Is that really you?" I ask stepping forward. Her eyes go wide and she steps forward staring into my eyes, her eyes roaming over my face, pausing on the scar over my eye. Then she looks back into my eyes, and I see a whole flood of emotions. Then tears start to form in her eyes.

"Carr?" she whispers. I smile and nod. Her face crumples and she runs at me, into my arms, and buries her now tear-streaked face into my chest. I wrap my arms around her. She pulls back and caresses my face with both of her hands, stroking my cheeks with her thumbs. Then she slides her hands down to my neck, and throws her arms around my neck, this time burying her face into my neck. I slide my arms back around her and bury my own face into her neck. We hold each other in this tight embrace for a while longer, then she pulls back ever so slightly touching her forehead against mine. I open my eyes and gaze into those wonderful violet eyes.

"For the longest time I could see your face yet couldn't place a name. For so long I've dreamt of you. Now here you are," I whisper. She pushes forward, ever so slightly letting our noses touch. Then she moves in ever so closer, our lips meet, and the world seems to stop. I hear everyone in the audience go "Awwwweeeeee". She pulls back and smiles at me with the warmest and most genuine smile I have ever received.

"I have been wanting to do that for a very long time," she says still smiling, then proceeds to say, "We also have a match to start love," with a wink.

I can't help but laugh and say, "Reunited and already want to hit me? How rude."

"More like I want to see if you are as strong as rumors say you are love," she responds releasing her hold on me and backing away slowly. I once again smile at her.

"Well when you put it that way, how can I refuse?" I say getting into a fighting stance.

"I would be very disappointed if you did refuse. Now shall we give the audience a good show?" she asks in return, getting into her own fighting stance.

The gong sounds, and we launch ourselves at each other. Our fists collide, sending a small shockwave rippling outwards. I can't help but smile. I have found the girl who had been plaguing my dreams, and it turned out to be my best friend, now my...

"So, after that little display, would you say we are together now?" I ask, as we jump back and get back into a stance. She launches herself back at me, but I catch her fist.

"Let's talk about that after this match, shall we?" she responds and goes to throw a kick directed at my head. I raise my hand and stop the blow.

"Well, if that's how you want it, then I guess I will have to end this rather quickly now," I dodge and block a flurry of attacks. One kick almost gets me but I catch it. I let the palm of my left hand hover over her chest, while the other hand holds her foot. Then I push her and she stumbles backward and off the arena. I hop down and go to help her back up. As I go to help her up, I grasp her arm and with one swift easy motion, I pull her to her feet.

"So, what would you say?" I whisper in her ear with a huge smile gracing my face.

"I would say, that we are together once more," she says still holding my hand. Then she leans forward, and places one more, slightly longer kiss on my lips. I smile and simply couldn't agree more.

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