Chapter 7: To Prepare For Namek

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Kaioken! That word rings through my ears. The sheer power he had held in just his normal form, able to match the strength of a Great Ape. It sends waves of panic and slight bit of awe through me. Could he be the one? No, that's my right, not his! What am I thinking!

My thoughts are interrupted by a wave of pain running through my body. I grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut. Never have I come close to being hurt during a fight. Yet I face of with that traitors son, and I barely leave the planet alive! The wave of pain subsides to a dull ache. I look down at myself and feel sick. I'm drenched in my own blood, and the clear as day broken bones sticking out here and there.

Why didn't she just finish the job? Why did she help me? Damn, I don't understand! My thoughts turn to the long haired, blue eyed saiyan female sporting a pony tail. I can't help but admire how she had dealt the punch to my throat causing more damage than I let on, cutting off my tail, and hitting me with that ungodly blast of energy.

"To imagine, we were never as alone as I thought," I say out loud, the faces of all three of those Saiyans running through my mind.

Carr's face sticks there the longest and I can't help but let out a yell of frustration, weakly punching the inside of my ship. With that slight movement, my vision goes black and my head swims. I try to fight it but I lose, slipping into unconsciousness.

When I next wake up it's being hauled down a hallway on a stretcher, doctors with monitors running alongside me. I stare at the lights above me, trying to stay awake, not wanting to fall back into nothingness.

"Prince Lettu, you need to stay awake! If you close your eyes one more time, you won't wake up! Please stay awake!" A white bearded doctor says running alongside me.

I stare at him, and try to speak, but only end up coughing, droplets of blood spraying across onto his coat. He ignores it, and sticks me in the side with a syringe full of yellowish liquid. I'm instantly more aware.

"Please Prince Lettu, you are needed. You are needed to stop what is to come, so just hold on a short while," he whispers to me as he's bent over readjusting a bandage wrapped around my midsection, then one covering my right eye.

Before I can ask what he means, I'm rushed into a room and placed inside a tank. The tank begins to fill with a warm, green tinged liquid that immediately eases my pain and starts to surround me. I am fitted with a mask to breath in, then locked into the pod. I close my eyes as the liquid washes over my face. A healing pod... how convenient. Is my last thought before slipping into sleep.


"You have to go to the hospital first Carr," Steera says hovering over me as she reads the screens over the medical cot I'm laying in on the jet, "Your bones need to at least be set before I put you in the healing tank back at Capsule Corp."

"I hate doctors though Steera. I can't be that broken, can I?" I ask, almost pleadingly.

"You are that broken Carr. Your bones are basically glass right now, and your muscle fibers are all but burnt out. Whatever you did to match Lettu, you went too far," Steera chastised.

"She is correct Carr! You went and pushed it too far!" King Kai screams in my mind. I can't help but flinch.

"Take it easy. It worked. It made it so I was able to stop him from doing anymore damage. Now lay off," I say irritated.

"You idiot! I told you don't push past what you are capable! And that was as high as times four! But you went to ten! Your body is shutting down as we speak!" King Kai rages on.

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