Chapter 1: Carr - Familiar Yet So Strange

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 8 years since landing

  Hands cover my eyes from behind me. I pause what I am doing, reach my hands up, and feel the hands. I can't help but smile once I figure out who it is, but the name slips through my fingers. I laugh, grab their wrists and spin them around until they are in front of me. It's a girl in battle armor and a tail wrapped around her waist. Her hair is short, black, and vibrant violet eyes with a scar that runs horizontally across the bridge of her nose. A bright smile is splayed across her face, and as soon as our eyes lock, she bursts out in a fit of laughter. I stare for a brief moment then join her in laughing. We slowly stop laughing and just smile like the children we are at each other

"Carr, follow me," she says grabbing my hand and pulling me along behind her. I allow myself to be pulled along for a while, as we first dip in and out of buildings and huts, to weaving through trees and boulders. We finally slow down as we reach a break in the trees at the top of a hill. We come out into the open and find ourselves standing in a clearing with a view of a valley below and mountains in the distance. A river snakes through the valley, starting with a waterfall at the beginning, and ending in a dazzling blue lake. 

"Wow, this is absolutely breathtaking," I say in awe. 

"Absolutely beautiful," she says nodding in agreement.

We stand there, hand in hand, taking in the beauty of the view. She finally looks down at our hands interlocked and her eyes go wide and her cheeks a deep red. She pulls her hand away quickly and apologizes. I chuckle and grab her hand again, pulling her close. I rest my forehead against hers. I watch as her face grows a deeper shade of red, but she doesn't pull away this time. Instead, she closes her eyes and whispers something.

"We'll see each other again soon, Carr. The time quickly approaches when we will all be needed to fight side by side again."

My eyes snap open and I am looking at the star-filled sky, a pleasantly cool breeze blowing ever so gently. I roll over onto my feet and dust myself off. I had fallen asleep out here again. I head into the building and to what is temporarily my room, pull off my gi's top, and flop down onto the much more comfortable bed. I breathe in slowly, then let it out just as slowly. I repeat this a few more times until my body relaxes and I feel my eyes starting to get heavy. 

Finally, my eyes drift shut. Then I fade back into dreams and a face that is so familiar yet I don't have a name for. As these dreams take me once again, I dream I'm back in that beautiful spot on the cliff.

I stare out at the waving green fields, the winding river, and the tall mountains. I hear my name being called and turn to see that girl flying towards me waving, and smiling. I smile and return the wave, watching as she lands. 

"How did I know to find you here Carr," she says giggling.

"It's my new favorite spot thanks to you," I say with a warm smile. 

Her eyes widen a little and a light blush warming her cheeks. 

"Well, I am glad you like it so much. You are the only one I've shown this spot to," she says looking down shyly.

"Well, I am glad you did. So does this make it our spot?" I say walking up and nudging her lightly. She turns and looks at me, smiles, and nods with a deeper blush. I stare at the pretty face before me, digging, searching, wanting to put a name to it. I can feel it sitting there just out of reach. I return my attention to the view before us and soak it in. I can sense her eyes on me, so I look back.

A mischievous grin. All of a sudden I feel my legs swept out from underneath me. Out of reflex, I grab her arm and pull her down with me. I watch her eyes go wide as we fall to the ground. She lands on top of me and I can't help but laugh. I hear her laughing as well. She places a hand on my chest and pushes herself up a little and brings her face in front of mine. Our noses brush against each other. We freeze like that and stare into each other's eyes. I smile at her and she returns the smile. I can feel the heat in my cheeks as a slight blush creeps up. But I'm not the only one who is blushing. 

She finally stands up and offers me her hand. I accept it and get to my feet, but as she is pulling me up, she pulls a little harder, and I stumble forward into her. I stand there frozen to the spot as she leans forward and plants a little kiss on my cheek and then pulls back quickly. I just stare at her stunned. As I'm staring at her the dream begins to fade away, fading faster and faster until I am pulled out of the dream and unconsciousness altogether. 

But as it begins to fade, I hear her say once again, " We'll see each other again soon, Carr. The time quickly approaches when we will all be needed to fight side by side again."

My eyes open and sunlight filters into the open window. I smile remembering this is the day I finally see everyone again. After five long years of strict training, I will finally see them again. My thoughts wander back to that girl once more. Who was she? I let my mind wander a bit longer, then I shake my head clearing it of thought. It's time to get ready to go. I slide my black, grey, and red gi on. As I finish getting ready, a voice speaks behind me.

"Are you ready?" asks the voice.

"Yes, I am. Let's go," I reply back.

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