Chapter 3: Carr-The Arrival

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3 Years Later

It has been eleven years since the day I crash-landed here on Earth. Over those eleven years, I have trained with the greatest masters in the world, made friends, met Steera, and found Karra, who I married roughly a year and a half ago.  I've fought armies alongside Steera and evil beings that had the intent of ruling the world two times over. Now at the age of twenty-one, I am considered the strongest in the world, though I don't thoroughly enjoy that title.

Both Karra, Steera, and I have been training together every day, for the past three years, never skipping a day. During all that time training we have all managed to grow stronger, beyond any known fighter on Earth together. Today will be the first day we are taking a full day's break in those three years. But what most don't understand, is that there are more ways to train rather than just physically. There is mental image training, which I am currently preparing myself to conduct. I sit at the edge of the cliff that is located a short way away from Karra and I's house, legs crossed and the palms of my hands resting on my knees. I relax my breathing, close my eyes, and picture the most recent foe I fought. They are tall, green with pink patches on their forearms, biceps, shoulders, and two antennae on the top of their head.

Piccolo, an enemy who I fought at the last World Martial Arts tournament, appears before me in my mind. He had tried to follow in the footsteps of his father and take over the world. I had been lucky enough to stop him during the tournament. I get into my stance preparing for this fight, treating it like a real one. He also gets into his own stance. Then we launch ourselves at each other, colliding and locking our forearms together. Energy crackles around us, while loose bits of stones start levitating off the ground around us. I slam my knee into his gut, causing his eyes to go wide and knocking the air from his lungs. As he stumbles back trying to regain his breath, I pursue him, slamming my fist into his nose. I follow up with a series of punches and kicks, then charge up a ball ki into the palm of my right hand, and slam it into his chest. The ball of ki explodes on contact blowing him backward and causing him to skip off the ground a few times, until sliding to a stop. He gets back to his feet and launches himself at me, flying himself at me so fast, I don't have any time to react. His fist slams into my face bloodying my nose and sending me sliding back. As I recover I am hit with another blow, this time it connects with the right side of my face causing me to take a few steps to the left. Then the blows start coming faster and faster. I manage to block a kick and finally catch a fist. I slam the palm of my hand into his elbow breaking it. He roars in pain, then I kick him back. I slide my right foot back, place my hands together in front of me, then bring them to my right hip. I start charging up a ball of blue energy, channeling power into it. I make eye contact with Piccolo as he starts charging up his own ball of ki.

"KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAAA!!!!!" I shout throwing my arms forward, unleashing the ball of compressed and supercharged ki straight at Piccolo.

"EXPLOSIVE DEMON WAVE!!!" Piccolo shouts at the same time unleashing his own blast. The two blasts slam into each other warping the air and flattening everything close to them. We stand there fighting for the upper hand but neither giving an inch until I take a step forward and let loose a battle cry, feeding more power into my blast. It expands and pushes back Piccolo's until it is right on top of him, then finally overtakes him. I stand there arms outstretched and breathing hard. I end the image training and come back to the real world.

I feel something warm running from my nose. I reach up, touch it, then I look at my fingers. They are red with blood. I smile to myself then proceed to poke and prod my nose, trying to see if it's broken, until I feel the hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Karra looking down at me, with a small, soft smile, and a slightly worried look. She then kneels down next to me, places her hands on both sides of my face, and using her thumbs, feels along my nose.

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