Chapter 7

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She returned to the office at 9pm, when Irene called her up. Apparently, there was one last thing Irene wanted to show her.

Irene brought her to a room with a tree. A human was lying under a tree with blue flowers and as soon and they stepped into the room, he sat up and asked,"Where am I?" Irene gestured for her to follow as they walked up to him. Irene then told him, "You are on the verge of death, as you got shot by someone as you stole, even after just being released from prison."

The man gasped at muttered at once, "Nonono. I can't be dead! I promised him that I would be there to celebrate his birthday! I haven't celebrated his birthday is years! Please, you must help me go back to the living world!" The man begged Irene, and she pretended to think before nudging her. "What do you think?" Irene asked her. "Should we send him back and give him another chance? Afterall, he's still a living soul. Thkse who are still alive but are in the hotel for the dead should die."

The man heard this and said, "I'll do anything! Just let me go back to celebrate my nephew's birthday!" "Anything?" Irene asked back. "Anything." The man confirmed. Irene looked at her and she replied, "I think we should let him return." Irene frowned, "That's not right, we need something else in exchange..."

Irene thought hard before exclaiming, "Your nephew can work for us when he dies or when Minhyuk retires! Come to think of it, he's going to reture soon, and we need a human being to handle some stuff fod the hotel!" The man widened his eyes. "No! How about I work for you instead?" Irene narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm being very generous here already. Usually people who are here would actually die! Be grateful I'm giving you a chance! Now take it or leave it!"The man immediately nodded and agreed to Irene's conditions to return to the world of the living. Irene then waved her hand over his head and said, "You will now return back to the living world, Min DaJin. She personally go to fetch your nephew to work for her as the hotel's general manager in 10 years."

The man's form goes transparent and disappears and Irene turns to her. "Is this how we hire employees?" She askes curiously. "Nope, in fact, this is my 3rd time doing this is my 999 year and 11 months and 29 day career." She said cheerfully before her Send Min DaJin and Min Yoongi flowers every year for the next 10 years. The flowers from the tree should be perfect." She nodded and couldn't wait. She missed her  friends and wanted to see them again even if it was in the afterlife or when they are dead.

Min DaJin opened his eyes and jumped up of his bed. Not literally. He found that there were wires connected to him and an oxygen mask on him. The nurses at the side were shocked as they did not expect him to live as he had been in a coma for about 2 days. The doctor immediatly came and gave him a check up and when he was done, his family came rushing in, with Yoongi running in first followed by his brother, Yoongi's father. "DaJin!" His brother exclaimed "You're okay! This is why we keep telling you to stop stealing but you never learn! You might actually die from a gunshot from the police or something else if this continues! I hope you stop after this. "

Yoongi immediately hugged DaJin and cried, thinking that his favourite uncle actually died. As DaJin comforted Yoongi with a tight hug and was about to tell them about his weird dream while in a coma, he caught sight of a bunch of blue flowers, similar to the one on the tree in his coma. Thinking it was a coincidence, he shrugged it off. And after letting go out the hug, he layed down again to make himself comfortable while taking to his other family and friends who had came to visit him.

It was only that night, when he was about to sleep that he felt it. A card. As he usually places his hand under his pillow to sleep, he felt it there. A took out the card and switched on the light to look at it.

Hello DaJin, don't forget about our promise. Enjoy your life amd don't do anything stupid. Enjoy the flowers. You and Yoongi will get them every year as a reminder.~hotel del luna :D 

He gapsed. It was not a dream. Everything was real. He had 'sold' his nephew to a ghost. He wanted to scream his frustration.

OST: Always (Peter B. Helland)

She and Irene walked to the entrance to the hotel and for some reason, all the staff had gathered there as well. Irene spoke, "My time is coming to an end. I think it's time." She looked at Irene confused. "It is time." She pasued dramatically, "to pass on the hotel CEO role to you. Good luck."

She immediately panicked, "Are you sure? What if I fail? I don't think I ca-" Irene cut her off and said, "You'll do great. Don't panic. You are well trained enough and if you don't know how handle something, check the red book for help. I'll look forward to seeing you in the afterlife in 1000 years. Remember to train the next CEO just as well as I trained you!" Irene smiled but her eyes were watery. So were her's. Even though Irene was cursed to be the CEO of the hotel, she had grown attached to the place and her job, as well as too her fellow staff. The ones who were particularly close to her, especially Joy, Yeri, Seulgi and Wendy all went uo to her and gave her a big tight hug and Irene gave her last speech as CEO of Hotel Del Luna.

"Thank you everyone for being part of my 1000 year journey as Hotel Del Luna's CEO. Thank you for working hard and I will miss you all. Now, let's welcome our new CEO, Moon Byul Yi !" The staff all cheered and clapped for her and she bowed. Irene also passed her beloved golden gun and wand to ByulYi, wishing her good luck in her journey as CEO.

A limo pulled up at the driveway as Irene waved to her staff for the last time and stepped into the car as the car drove away, bringing her to the afterlife.

Did you guess who She is correctly? If you did, congrats! If you didn't, you did you guess for She to be? Thanks for reading and have a great day! 

Ps: i hope the OST song fits well :-)

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