Chapter 19

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Yoongi panted as he placed his hands on his knees, catching his breath. He had just ran for the train to get to Seoul for work but he missed it by one second, as when he got there and almost entered, the train doors closed. 

What a waste of effort.

Thank God that he had decided to leave the house early. He should really find an apartment in Seoul to rent, then he could spend more time sleeping.

The next train arrived and once again, he found himself in a empty carridge, and was about to sit down in one of the empty seats when he suddenly fell to the ground.

"Oof." He grunted as he fell, his bag, which he was carrying, falling on top of him, adding extra weight on him. "I'm so sorry!" A voice said, as he looked up, only to find a land backfacing him, a hand reached out in the opposite direction of where he was. "Let me help you!" She said. Confused, he pushed himself up, mumbling "It's okay" while rubbing his back, which had cushioned the fall of his bag and his, hopefully okay from the fall, laptop.

"Oh!" The woman spun around. "There you are! Sorry, I didn't see you!" Yoongi was even more confused now. First of all, the woman was wearing sunglasses? Indoors? Questionable but okay. Secondly, how could she not see him? Surely her eyesight wasn't that bad right?

The woman giggled at Yoongi's confused face. "I'm really sorry for bumping into you, but I really can't see. Because, I have no eyes." The woman removed her sunglasses, revealing two holes in place of where her eyes would originally be, as Yoongi got the shock of his life, feeling as if his soul and left his body.

As his face turned even paler than his skin, he felt a chill go down his spine, as he rubbed his eyes, just in case he was hallucinating. He looked back at the lady and got an even bigger shock. The lady's figure had now turned a ghostly blue, as her feet lifted off the floor by a little and started to advance towards him, her eyeless eyes staring into Yoongi's soul. 

Yoongi's small step to back away from her turned into a full on run as he bolted to the door on the other side of the carridge which would lead him to another carridge. Unfortunately for him, the ghost lady had been standing right infront a door. As he ran, he felt as if the carridge was much longer than usual, and he heard the lady's voice. "Why are you running? Please help me!"Hearing the lady's pleas, he decided to continue running, scared that she would catch him if he stopped.

He soon reached the next carridge which although was crowded, had some empty seats. Yoongi slammed the door open and closed it with a crash, panting heavily, and made a beeline for the empty seat, where as soon as he sat down, he clutched his head, scarred for life, the images of the ghost lady's eyes replaying continously in his head.

People in the carridge all shot his judging looks and glares after their peace had been abruptly interupt by Yoongi's slaming of the door, but after seeing his traumatised look, they all shot him concerned looks.

After he calmmed down his heart and caught his breath, one thing was certain: he had to go back to the ghost hotel to get some explanations.

As Yoongi stepped out of the hotel at 8pm when his shift ended, he immediately headed towards the location of the hotel. As he stepped into the alleyways, a made a sharp right turn and came face to face with the ghost lady from a earlier. He let out a surprised "arhh" and the ghost lady turned around. "Hello." She said creepily and started to walk towards him. Yoongi bolted. He ran and ran around the alleyway and made a sharp left turn and the ghost lady was there. The game of cat and mouse started and it did not help that Yoongi was carrying his work bag. 

Soon, he turned left and saw the ghost lady there. He had to stop himself from letting out a ear-piercing scream as he figured out that since the lady had no eyes, as long as she did not hear him, he would be okay. So he carefully backed out, and once he was far away, he dashed out of there, vowing never to return to the alleyways ever again. 

Yoongi stood infront of the red building. Why was he here again? Wasn't it just yesterday when he say he would be back only next week? And he climbed up the steps to the hotel's entrance and pushed open the door, he was taken aback by Minhyuk's sudden appearance. 

"Hello! Welcome back! See Joy? I told you he would be back! Now we must get going! Bye!" Minhyuk then grabbed Yoongi's arm and dragged him along into the lift.

"Welcome back!" Byulyi said, casually pushing her papers off the table, to which Yoongi braced himself for the messyness of the floor once the papers fell but to his surprise, the papers only disappeared with a poof. "Please sit! See, I told you you would be back today!"

"Did you send that eyeless ghost lady to haunt me? I was literally scared for my life! Did you send me that as a warning that you would dig my eyeballs out if I don't work for yo-" Yoongi's rambles were cut short as Byulyi's smiling face turned into one of confusion. 

"Eyeless ghost lady? What the hell?"

After explaining everything to her, Byulyi only laughed. "I see you got your birthday present then? How was it?"

Yoongi let out a dramatic gasp, "You sent me a eyeless ghost lady for my birthday to haunt me? What kind of present is that?" "No dummy, I gave you the ability to see ghosts as your present." "That's even worse."

"No it's not! Without it, you won't be able to see ghosts!" 

"But I saw you and Minhyuk and Joy!"

"I can control who can see me, Minhyuk is human and Joy is the receptionist! She needs to be seen! Also, you wouldn't be able to see them if I didn't guve you this ability!"

"Who?" Yoongi asked.

There was a knock on the door of Byulyi's office. And after her 'Come in!", they entered. 

"Yah noona! You never told us Yoongi hyung came yesterday!" Namjoon whined as he walked in, and suddenly stopped.


"Yes Namjoon-ah?" Seokjin answered as the rest of them walked in. 

"Oh man holy shit! Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook said as he ran forward and threw himself onto Yoongi, and the older mamaged to catch him.

Byulyi's office soon turned into a emotional reunion of the eleven friends as Minhyuk excused himself.

After explaining everything to the 9 who just arrived, mainly about why he was here and about the eyeless ghost lady, Yoongi got up to leave. "It's getting late, I've got to go. I got a train to catch!"

"Everyone, say bye to our new hotel manager!" Byulyi yelled as Yoongi picked up his bag.

"Yah, I said I would inform you next week-"

"Bye hotel manager!" The 9 chirped and Byulyi smirked. 

"Get reafy Yoongi." 

"Huh? Woahhh-" With a poof like the day before, Yoongi reappeared at his home in Busan, only his bed just like the day before, the only difference being this time, he was awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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