Chapter 8

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9 March, Yoongi's birthday. 

Another 3 years had past and another one of them was turning 20.
The other 10 of them, yes 10, not 9, arrived at his 20th birthday party with gifts. Even Byulyi, but she was invisible to everyone else, of course.

Byulyi walked into his house with a bunch of blue flowers from the tree nicely arranged and bundled. She had left the hotel in Seulgi and Wendy's care and she would visit her friends every time their birthdays came around to give them flowers and a gift.

For example, on Hoseok's birthday, she had given him sunflowers and a new dance track that he had wanted. How? She had bought the track and wrapped it up and placed it on his bed with the sunflowers on top.

She would do something like this for her friends and family members with different flowers that reflect on their personailities, and today, for Yoongi's birthday, it was no different, except that she placed the gift on a table instead of their beds.

"Yoongi hyung has a secret admirer! Yoongi hyung has a secret admirer!" Taehyung sing-sang as he pointed out the flowers to the rest of them. Byulyi just chuckled. Namjoon decided to tease him and added on, "They even left him a gift!" Yoongi rolled his eyes and said, "Please, don't the rest of y'all get flowers and a gift from an anonymouse person as well on your birthday? It has been going on for the past 3 years!"

"Come to think of it, I've never seen these flowers before. What do you think they mean?" Seokjin asked. "Maybe they symbolise love? These could be from Yoongi hyung's secret admirer!" Taehyung giggled as Yoongi wacked his head and said, "Don't be silly! Beside, my uncle has been getting these flowers on his birthday for the past 3 years as well and he always looks horrified at them and ways asks the helpers to throw them away. So maybe they mean bad luck? But it brings good luck for me since I always get gifts with these flowers on my birthday?"

Yoongi scratched his head as he looked at the envelope beside the flowers with his name fancily written on it. He opened it and gasped. He took out 2 tickets from the envelope and with widen eyes, excitedly exclaimed, "These are front row tickets to the piano concert I wanted to go to! They were sold out already as well! So anyone wanna go with me? I've got an extra ticket." The others were also happy for him as he had been very sad when the tickets were all sold out, but they all declined as they were not interested to go. However, when he disappointedly said that it was alright that none of them wanted to go, Seokjin immediately volunteered and a gummy smile appearer on Yoongi's face as they discussed where to meet to go to the concert, whe the rest of them went to get the cake to place it on the table and Wheein and Hyejin grabbed the party poppers.

They waited until Yoongi and Seokjin had finished discussing and then they popped the party poppers. Yoongi's family members gathered around the cake as well as they sang him a birthday song.

Yoongi adjusted his shirt as he waited for Seokjin to arrive at their chosen meeting place to go to the concert. "Where is h- oh hi." He mumbled when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Why are you so late?" Yoongi grumbled. "I'm not late, you're just early." Seokjin replied sassily as they proceeded to the hall where the concert was being held. They settled into their seats and chattered to each other as the lights dimmed and a spitlight shone on the stage, illuminating a grand piano.

A man in a suit walked onto the stage and said, "Welcome all to Kim Byeon Woo's piano concert! Please sit back and enjoy, and the performance will start soon."
Soon, another man in a blue suit, Byeon Woo, walked on stage and bowed before making himself comfortable on the piano stool. Yoongi's eyes glimmered in excitement as Byeon Woo raised his hands and pressed the ksys of the piano.

Yoongi was an aspiring pianist and love the instrument a lot, and would spend all his free time on it, practicing hard until he was the best pianist in his school. He even went for competitions and won mant awards and prizes, which he proudly displays on a shelf in his room.
As the performance went by, Seokjin finally understood why the younger loved the piano. It was relaxing to listen to the pianist play the piano and Seokjin enjoyed it more than he thought he would.

The concert went on for another 1 hour as the people swayed fo the calm music and hyped up the fast paced music. Seokjin and Yoongi left the music hall, chatting about the performance they had just watched

Sorry if this chapter is boring...

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