3. Café

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With that Sakshi followed the man to a café which didn't look that good from the outside but she decided not to question it and entered it along with him. And she was surely surprised as the inside was so beautiful yet cozy.

Sk: wah wht is this place it's beautiful

Kim: a small hidden away café for those who would like some privacy.

Sk: hmm...

Kim: now you can go find us a seat while I'll go give our order and come wht do you want.

With that Sakshi quickly scanned over the menu which was pasted above the register

Sk: um coffee and a chicken sandwich.

Kim: kk I'll go order.

With that Sakshi went to get a seat for them. While Kim went to order for the two of them. Sakshi got table with two seat in the corner and waited for the man she just met to come . With their orders.

Kim: so here is you coffee and chicken sandwich. And here is my French Fries and chicken.

Sk: thank u.

And with tht the man removed the mask he was wearing till now which Sakshi has somehow failed to pay attention to but once the mask was of she was given a huge shock seeing who was in front of her. And she accidentally blurted out

Sk: Namjoon ssi ?

Nj: oh guess you know me anyway hi once again. Btw now that you know me tell me something about you I didn't even catch your name .

Sk: oh ya sry it's Sakshi , Sakshi Singh.

Nj: Ohh unique name.

Sk: it's quite common in India.

Nj: so ur from India ?

Sk: yaa.

Nj: what are you doing here then ?

Sk: college I recently got admitted into the Seoul international University.

Nj: ohh thts amazing. Congratulations but what made you apply for college all the way here in Korea.

Sk: started with you guys , like through u guys I got into k-pop then K-drama and the attraction to the k-pop and K-drama became an attraction to come here . I know the life in K-dramas and actual life here will be different but I wanted a new adventure, but kasam se I mean I swear I never even imagined I will get in when I applied here I was just trying my luck I had applied in some other colleges back I. India too . But I was shook when I got to know I got in.

Nj: So me and the boys are the primary reason I got to see you here today.

Sk: u can say tht. Btw you don't know how much I'm struggling not to freak out right now. In front of you.

Nj: tht explains the foot tapping.

Sk: oh ya.

Nj: well finish it soon so tht we can go get you a apartment.

Sk: oh ya in the hurry of eating and meeting you I forgot why I came across you in the first place.

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