7. Day at Uni

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It was yet another day at Uni for Sakshi and she was walking towards her dance class along with Tiara since she had the same minor as Sakshi. And they had barely made it in time for class as just a second after they were seated in their place their dance teacher came in as they all stood up and wished the teacher.

Tchr: ok ok sit down everyone. Now I've reviewed everyone paper on the style of dance they had chosen to write about and I'm glad to say I'm really impressed I can see you guys out in a lot of effort. Now today's class is some of the ancient forms of dance around the globe . So let's begin....

As the the teacher started his lesson Sakshi quickly tuned her attention into the teachers words listening to each word which left the teacher's lips.


Tchr: and thts all for today's class have a great rest of the day students....

And like tht dance period was over and  Sakshi's next class was English , it was a mandatory subject for all in the university since the university had students from all over the world English classes were a must to ensure all the students had a common medium of communication .....


English class had gone quite very good  for most students including Sakshi and so she was quite happy as she nd Tiara walked hand in hand to the café. It was pizza day so both of them got a small chicken pizza. And two can of Pepsi from the vending machine and sat down eat. And as they eat they shared about what all happened in their classes which they did not have together. Once they finished with lunch they went towards the garden outside the campus since they still had another 10 minutes before lunch time ended . They both just walked around until lunch time was over they had to return to their classes for their next lessons. Once they reached inside the campus they had to separate as Sakshi had photography lesson next while Tiara had A.I lesson.


And finally after a tiring yet fun day since Sakshi had enjoyed most of the classes that day, Sakshi's classes was finally over for the day and so she quickly went towards where she had parked her bicycle you see she did have a licence but that one was valid only in india and she had only recently found enough time to apply for a international one at Seoul. She had finished all the tests and was now waiting to receive her license but untill then the bicycle was still her best friend when it comes to getting to places . Once she had reached home she opened the take out package she had got from the small stop she made  at a café. She was in mood small some small sweet treat so she had ordered a chocolate lava cake and  vanilla latte as take out . And soon as the cake was in her mouth she felt like she was in heaven with how good it tasted , and she made a mental note to visit the café again some day since the vanilla latte she got was equally tasty.

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