11. MOTS 7

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The last few weeks Namjoon was busy as hell due to the upcoming release of their latest album map of the soul 7 and a world tour dates for which were going to be released the day after the day of album release. And for the same reason Sakshi and Namjoon had not met each other that much either. But they still messaged every now and then and kept in touch and each other updated above what's going on in the other person's life.


It was d-1 day left for the comeback and Sakshi and Namjoon had decided to meet up as they could never be too sure about when they will meet again so just in case they don't get to meet again face to face soon enough , they decided to meet that day.

Nj: hey Sakshi so sorry I'm late we had a last minute practice .

Sk: hey no need of sorry just remember not to over exert yourself. And always keep in mind your health is more important than us ARMY's  entertainment. We won't be happy when you guys are sick or too tired.

Nj: thnq and don't worry I'll take care of myself properly. Nd make sure the others do as well.

Sk: thts my bestie , a good leader nd extremely talented artist who always look out for and care for his band mates, almost 24/7.

Nj: thnx I just  like to make sure my friends are alright ... And my friends include you too so don't stress out to much about classes and stuff , take it easy ok.

Sk: will do sir. Also comeback is tmrw you excited . I know I am.

Nj: ofcourse I am and so are the other guys . And ya I guessed you will he super excited.

Sk: anyway what's the plan today? Do you have to go back soon ?

Nj: nope I'm free for the rest of the day .

Sk: that's great , Then how about we go for a drive brain storm ideas aboit what to do in the car ?

Nj: sounds good let's go.

Sk: kk lemme go take my car keys.


With that the both of them got into Sakshi's car and set off for a ride discussing about where to go ,  what to do etc. And finally after much discussion they decided to go to a street fair and walk around for a while and get lunch nd then go karaoke .

Within around half an hour they both reached the fair they had decided to go to. Sakshi parked the car a lil away from the fair and they both got out and began walking. They walked around in the fair for a while visiting different stalls and stuff until it was lunch time , so they both got back in the car and Sakshi drive them to a small and cozy looking and not that crowded sort of restaurant and they both sat down to eat . Both of them ate lightly as Namjoon was on a diet and Sakshi had eaten some street snacks from the stalls. Though Sakshi did try to convince Namjoon to break his diet for one day as he was already really fit .

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