19. half brother?

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Sakshi was in Tiara's house chilling out with her bestie . As their finals in both theory and practical were approaching they were given a week off to prepare but as we can see these two were not really studying.

Around brunch time they heard Tia's door being opened so they both panicked and ran to check what was happening. And what they saw left Sakshi in shock and Tiara in happiness. In the living room stood one of the members from a popular 4th gen k-pop group. Kang Taehyun of TXT , looking very annoyed.

Th: why did you ask to meet ?

Tia: ok first of we have guest so behave and second of all I thought we were meeting tomorrow.

Th: I come when I want to not when you tell me to.

Tia: no use of trying to get you to be nicer with me also this is my friend from university , Sakshi .

Th: um hi sry for mind attitude with her. I'm t-

Sk: no need for introducing urself I know you well kind of. I'm MOA.

Th: oh it's great to meet a fan .

Sk: so how do you guys know each other ?

Tia: well Sakshi this is my annoying little brother.

Th: stop it Tiara I'm not your brother.

Tia: you technically are , atleast my half brother.

Th: that doesn't mean anything.

Sk: oh this is the boy you told me about.

Tia: ya.

Sk: oh well I know Tia's side of story and I always wanted to help you guys mend everything . But I don't wanna seem partial so I want to know your side too. That's if you won't mind telling me.

Th: well long story short. Me , my mom and dad were one happy family. Until one day when I was 12 years old mom got a call and next day Tiara came to visit her . That day mom went to US with Tiara and I didn't see my mom for the next 5 years and still mom lives with Tiara. She and her dad stole my mom from me and mom also likes her more . Mom left me and my dad to live with them .

Sk: um , not to sound insensitive but did you every try to find out if it was all true .

Th: there is not need for that my dad told me why would he lie to me ?

Sk: I'm sorry but as per much ik from Tiara and her your mom your dad did lie to you.

Th: huh ?

Sk: well I'll tell you the story what Tiara had told me , your appa had always hated Tiara even b4 you were born. Your dad and mom were lovers back in the day but your maternal grandparents married your mom off with Tiara's dad and Tiara was born , and when Tia was around 2 years old their marriage fell apart and she moved in with your dad she wanted to bring Tiara along but you father refused accept Tia so your mom who was crazily in love with your dad left Tia with her father. For the next 14 years Tia had to grow up with the bitter truth that her mom in a way abandoned her. While you parents got married , had you and you all lived happily. As you yourself told me but then when she was 16 her dad died. The phone call that day it was from the US authorities regarding Tiara's custody after her father's passing. That why Tia came to you guys the next day but your dad once again disagreed with your mom and told her to just send Tia to some orphanage or foster care system. But your mom who was older and mature this time disagreed and told him Tia was her daughter just like how you were her son. So your dad asked for divorce which your mom agreed she wanted to keep you too but your dad refused. And your mom did try to contact you during those 5 years but your dad didn't let her. Now you itself tell who should hate who , You still have your mom in your life even though she went away for few years she did try to contact you. While her mom completely abandoned her just for you and your dad she had to grow up without a mom during some of her most important times for 14 years.

Th: why should I believe you also if what you said is true why did Tiara or mom never told me ?

Tia&sk: because she/I knew how much care about your dad she / I didn't want to break that bond and be the reason you guys grew apart.

Tia: if you still don't believe me call dad and ask for the complete and utter truth about everything.

Th: kk I'll and just to show my dad ain't lieing I'll call aunty **** too . Since she was both of their friend .

Tia: kk go ahead do it.



Th: well I have to say I'm sorry. They both confirmed what you both said. And dad said sry for lieing all these years. He said just didn't want me to hate him.

Tia: it's ok atleast you know now.

Th: I should thank you Sakshi noona without you I might have never found out the truth.

Sk: it's my pleasure I always wanted to resolve your fight. Taehyun , Tiara loved you to the bone. And she never hated you .

Th: I know I realise that now.

Sk: that's good . So you guys talk and catch up I'll leave you alone bye.

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