37. Distant

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Since few days Sakshi was feeling like Namjoon had no time for her. The first couple of days she tried to be understanding but later on it was getting really annoying. When ever Sakshi asked to hang out or just have some quality time Namjoon would be always busy with his phone looking at stuff nd talking to people Sakshi wasn't allowed to know. And whenever she inquired about his day at work or how it went going out with friends? He always had one reply. He always replied with a "Fine" in a bored tone . And now slowly Sakshi was starting to get suspicious about all this and also she was starting to get scared. Usually she was never one to jump to conclusions or accuse someone of anything until and unless she had solid proof . But She could find no other rational explanation for this situation. Sakshi feared Namjoon had finally gotten bored of her was now cheating on her with some other girl and this thought was making Sakshi extremely sad for she considered Namjoon as her one and only. To her he wasn't just her boyfriend she truly love him & thinking about the possibility that he does not reciprocate her feelings anymore  brought tears to the girl's eyes. But still Sakshi wanted to give Namjoon a chance to explain before jumping to conclusions so she decided to confront Namjoon and have a talk with him but she never got the chance as the next day Namjoon was going somewhere outside Korea and Sakshi once again  wasn't informed bout where he was going . Sad but still determined to ask him once he was back Sakshi got ready to go to work.


Sb: morning noona...

Sk: ahh Soobin good morning . How's ur day going till now.

Sb: it has been good what bout u ?

Sk: fine. It's going fine anyway come on let's go ur practice is about to start.

And like that they both went towards TXT practice room Nd saw that the rest of the members were already there and once the 4 saw Sakshi and Soobin enter they got up from where they were sitting on the floor and greeted Sakshi and later the 5 boy got into position for their latest comeback song's choreography. And as the sing started they started the routine an n nd Sakshi began observing them making sure they don't end up making mistakes.


Sk: nd done good work boys take a break . Also I'm going  to the café to get a cupcake . You boys want something ??

Sb: nothing for me

Yj: me too.

Bg: can u may be get me a pretzel ?

Hk: and a waffle for me ?

Sk: sure. Do u want anything Taehyun?

Th: no need but I'll come with you I need to drink some water my bottle finished .

Sk: ahh sure come on.

And like that they both went to the cafe and while Sakshi was getting wht she , Beomgyu and Kai wanted , Taehyun drank his water from the cooler and also filled up his bottle and later they both went back to the practice room . After saying thank you to Sakshi the two boy dug into their treats while Sakshi ate her cupcake and later the boy went on with their schedule while Sakshi went to the stylists area to see what her colleagues where upto.

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