36. Girlfriend

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Jin: um pd nim you called for us ?

Pd: ahh boys come in though your a bit late it's good you guys came at this moment.

Nj: well what's the matter pd nim.

Pd: we found a sasaeng of yours among the staff .

Nj: WHAT? who is it ?

Pd: yess we found a sasaeng and unfortunately it Sakshi ,TXT's new dance instructor.

Nj: Sakshi ? Oh my god , it's not like that sir . She isn't a sasaeng.

Pd: how r u so sure.

Nj: she is well , I wanted to tell u in a different meeting properly , but Sakshi is my girlfriend we have been dating for a long time . And I can assure u she is very respectful of other people's privacy...

Pd: oh well that took a different turn. Also was this ur perfectly good explanation you were talking about ?

Sk: yes I just didn't want to risk Namjoon's career or anything and I was not sure if Namjoon was ready to tell you.

Nj: so u thought it was better to get humiliated and accused of things you would never do.

Pd: well I'm sorry Ms. Sakshi.

Sk: it's ok sir you were just looking out for your artists. And you two boys it's ok.

Pd: well you all can leave except for Sakshi and Namjoon. I need to discuss  some things with you

All: yes pd nim.


Pd: now when we're u going to tell me Namjoon ?

Nj: soon ?.

Pd: boy u know I have nothing against you guys dating. But you got to inform me so that I can avoid situations lime today or a possible scandal in the future.

Nj: yes pd nim sry.

Pd: it's ok also how long have u guys been dating for ?

Nj: around a  year and half.

Pd: ahh , this explains ur visits to India. I thought you caught some sudden interest in the country.

Nj: that I did but main reason is Sakshi.

Pd: hmm anyway. Now u know u boys are allowed to date if u want but be careful. Make sure the public don't find out before u guys are ready to tell them.

Nj: yes pd nim.

Pd: now about Sakshi , don't worry u can continue working here as from everyone I've heard your quite good and approachable to most young idols than our usual older staff members.

Sk: thank you sir .

Pd: it's ok now you both may leave.

Nj & sk: thnk u pd nim.

With that they both left the pd nim's office and Sakshi went to TXT's practice room since they were having dance practice soon while Namjoon went to his studio and Taehyung was waiting for him in rkive to work on a track he want release on his birthday as a gift back to ARMYs. And like that bith of them got busy but through out their schedules both of them had a very pleasant smile on their face as they both thought another step also over . They were relieved that pd nim didn't react harshly .

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