Chapter 1

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Bubbie shimmered over Lindsay as her, Sara and Oliver sat at the small kitchen table in Andrew's destroyed apartment, Oliver held Lindsay's and Sara's hand and watched helplessly as tears streamed down their faces. Lindsay pulled her hand away to dry her tears "we need to find Andrew" she said through a choked off sob "tonight" she finished.

Sara turned to face Lindsay and wiped her own tears away "I want to go get him too but we have to be prepared Linds, if we go off without knowing what were getting into we won't be able to help him". Sometimes Sara hated being a cop, she understood Lindsay's need to go now and get Andrew but her training meant she never went off half cocked, always made sure she had the as many facts as she could get and went in prepared as possible.

"She's right kiddo, we need to be ready to face her" said Bubbie then continued "if she is strong enough to do this then we need to be careful cause apparently she has tricks we don't know about". Bubbie was surprised at how much damage Madeline had caused, seemed to him she could of just possessed him and walked him right out the door, but this looked like anger a lot of anger Bubbie thought to himself.

Oliver didn't know what to think about this situation it was a lot to take in,  Andrew taken by a spirit? Oliver didn't know much about the spirit thing yet but he did know that sitting in Andrew's battered apartment wasn't helping them focus "maybe we should we should head out and meet up somewhere that isn't here" he finished. 

Lindsay looked at Oliver with a sad smile on her face and nodded her head, they all walked out in to the fading sunlight and agreed to meet back at Lindsay's in 2 hours, Sara explained that she wanted to follow up with the books they found, she needed to get some facts together. Lindsay took her hands and nodded her head, she knew facts helped Sara cope and Lindsay had something at home to help her cope too.

Lindsay sat at her table thinking about Andrew and how scared he must be, Andrew who never asked for any of this, Andrew who was scared shitless at 16 by an evil witch who tried to molest him,  Andrew who used to wake up screaming from nightmares, Andrew who is her best friend and who she loves with all her heart, fresh tears started to spill down her face and she looked at Oliver and said " I have to go get him".

Oliver watched in awe as he saw two shot glasses floated across the room and a bottle of Jack Daniels floated behind it, he watched as the glasses landed on the table and watched the floating bottle with the top unscrewing, being poured by invisible hands, generous invisible hands judging from his pour. Oliver slid Lindsay's shot over to her they both looked at each other then downed the shot Oliver's stomach burned and he couldn't control the shiver that escaped him "better?" he asked Lindsay.

Lindsay picked up her shot glass and tapped it on the table and the floating bottle poured another generous shot into her glass, she downed that one too and made a slight grimace, she didn't mind the burn she enjoyed the heat in her belly, she looked over at Oliver and replied "almost" and tapped her glass again.

After the third shot Lindsay did feel a little better or buzzed or both she thought to herself, Lindsay told Oliver that she suspects that Madeline would have taken Andrew to the farmhouse "it only makes sense, that's her strongest connection" she finished. Oliver and Bubbie agreed with her and that they would mention it to Sara when she got there. Oliver stood up and began doing what he does best.

Sara walked into Lindsay's apartment with a stack of books and a determined look on her face she stopped suddenly and sniffed the air "oh my god, what smells so good" she gushed. Lindsay explained that Oliver's go to when puzzled or stressed was to cook and right now he was cooking to feed an army. Sara couldn't believe the spread on Lindsay's counter, egg salad sandwiches cut into triangles, cheese and crackers arranged in a fancy pattern, potato soup simmering on the stove and cinnamon buns currently in the oven, Sara looked at Lindsay with surprise and said "holy fuck, you went grocery shopping".

Lindsay laughed for the first time since finding out Andrew was gone, Sara could always bring a smile to her face just one of the many reasons Lindsay loved her so much " its Oliver's fault, he didn't like my selection of instant noodles and bagged rice" she said with a smile. Sara laughed as she saw Oliver nodding his head while he stirred the soup, she was happy her best friend had found someone, if anyone deserves a win it was Lindsay thought Sara.

They sat at Lindsay's table and ate in silence, none of them realized how hungry they were until they started eating and they were all now focused on their food, as they're feeding frenzy subsided they talked about the farmhouse where they were all sure Andrew was being kept and how to get rid of Madeline once they got Andrew back. Sara told them that after she left Andrew's she went back to the station to do some digging on the farmhouse and the Matthews family.

The Matthews family settled into Brewster's Bay in the late 1800's, Marcus and Mary Matthews were wheat farmers and grew to be quite wealthy, the farm was then handed down to their son Michael when he was 18 as Marcus was injured in an accident and was unable to work the farm anymore, Michael married Elizabeth Holden and she gave birth to their daughter Madeline on August 1st, 1907 two days after her 14th birthday, Sara looked up from reading her notes and said "yuck" Lindsay and Oliver nodded in agreement.

"Maybe we can look online for ways to get rid of Madeline, I'm sure there's tons of information on stuff like that" Oliver said. Sara's head shot up from her notes and she glared at Oliver, Lindsay looked down at her lap smirking, shook her head and patted Oliver's arm, Oliver felt a lump in his throat and swallowed hard.

"The internet is full of lies" Sara said in a soft tone and carried on "anyone can go on there and make shit up, doesn't make it true, the only way to get real answers is in a book" she finished and shook the book smiling at Oliver. Lindsay explained that Sara wasn't a fan of the internet or social media, she found it a useless waste of time she was a book girl, she felt better flipping through pages than scrolling down a page, Oliver playfully apologized to Sara and started looking through the books she brought.

He stopped when he came upon a book with the title Ritual Exorcisms of the Mid Century, he opened it up the front cover and flipped through the book, he looked at the old pictures that looked like medieval cave drawings of ritual disembowelment, beheading and something sexual with a serpent he didn't want to know about. 

He flipped to the back of the book and scanned the index, he paused when he found what he was looking for turned to the chapter and opened the book wide sliding it tot he middle of the table "will this help?" he asked.

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