Chapter 17

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Lindsay, Sara and Oliver approached the house slowly, Bubbie floated a few feet in front of them feeling for any signs of danger, they moved in silence all focused on the task ahead.

Lindsay couldn't help but notice the cold chill that ran through her body, it felt like cold water running through her veins, she supposed it could just be Madeline's presence but she wasn't sure.

They all stopped when they reached the front door "guess we don't have to knock" said Oliver breaking the silence, they all looked at what used to be the front door broken into pieces on the scrub lawn.

The house was in worse shape than Lindsay and Sara remembered, although it had only been a few months since they rescued the little girls it seem like time was cruel to this place or maybe it was the spirit that resided in there that was cruel, absolutely  the latter thought Lindsay.

They all stepped into the kitchen and Sara recalled her and Lindsay were in this kitchen, crawling along the dirty floor reaching out to the frightened girls, she visibly shuddered at the memory and Lindsay put her arm around her and gave her a squeeze.

Sara was  impressed how Lindsay could always pick up on what she was feeling and console her exactly how she needed it, just one of the wonders that is my Lindsay thought Sara .

Oliver looked around at the dilapidated kitchen, he looked at the big window above the kitchen sink that was now nothing but a rotted frame with jagged bits of glass, he looked at the broken kitchen table and chairs, the walls with big holes in them and their paint faded and peeled the result of mother natures handiwork.

Oliver could imagine how this kitchen would of looked in its prime, the bright sun drifting in from the big kitchen window above the sink, the table with its floral print and four chairs placed around it, a napkin holder neatly placed on top of woven placemats made by the missus of house.

Lindsay tapped Oliver on the shoulder and pointed toward the basement stairs, he nodded and they started walking down the stairs testing each step, Bubbie was waiting for them at the end of the stairs "I don't feel her here" said Bubbie, "she should be here" he said in a slightly panicked voice and Lindsay notice his shimmer pulse rapidly.

"Bubbie please calm down" said Lindsay then heart hear leapt with joy and she felt excitement grow inside her, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she heard the best sound ever.

"What is Casper saying about me now"?

Lindsay started towards Andrew at a fast pace with a big grin on her face but stopped suddenly when she saw a black shimmer slide its way into the basement from a tiny crack in the wall, as the shimmer slipped through the crack it began to grow larger and seem to infect the room with darkness, "ok Linds, I feel her now" said Bubbie. Lindsay couldn't do anything but nod her head in agreement.

"Hey guys, meet Madeline" said Andrew in what he hoped was a light tone, she's gotten a little bigger since the last time we saw her wouldn't you say Lindsay". Andrew didn't know Madeline's shimmer could grow so big, was this one of the new tricks she was talking about, it had grown to almost fill the whole room or so it seemed and he could feel the air thinning.

"Bigger don't mean badder Madeline" said Bubbie and Lindsay saw his shimmer begin to grow and pulse with the angry red hue Lindsay rarely saw, she backed up slowly and motioned for Oliver and Sara to do the same, all three of them took a few steps back bracing themselves for the clash that was about to take place.

Bubbie was ready for this, he felt ready, ok so maybe she had gotten a little bigger but that was ok, he was tough, and maybe she felt a little more powerful, that was ok too thought Bubbie, he was smarter, he concentrated on making his shimmer as big as he could, it wasn't as big as Madeline's but it was bigger than usual, he could feel strong power pulsing through him and was ready to face her

Lindsay was speechless, she had never seen Bubbie shimmer like this let alone grow so big, could he have always done this or was he feeding off Madeline's power too, these were questions she was going to be asking once they got back home, Lindsay gave a little gasp and looked down, Oliver and Sara were gripping each of her hands tight.

"What the fuck am I looking at" Sara said in a dumbstruck tone. Lindsay turned to Sara and noticed her eyes were as big a saucers and she seemed to staring at the two big shimmers one black and one red that were pulsing before her eyes.

"Holy hell Sara, can you see the shimmers"? Lindsay had never known anyone else who were able to see the shimmers before, as a general rule of thumb humans didn't see the shimmers, maybe they would feel them from time to time but never see them.

"Glad to know its not just me" said Oliver in the same dumbstruck tone as Sara. Oliver knew he was going to see some shit but not what was in front of him, to him it looked like two shadows but they weren't human form they were the shape of blobs iridescent except for the black and red glow that emanated from them and seemed to fill the room, is this what Bubbie always looked like, he wondered to himself.

Lindsay wasn't sure the fact that Oliver and Sara could see the shimmers was a good thing, she could feel the power coming from Bubbie and Madeline and they seemed to be feeding off each other, like one big continuing circuit, Lindsay stepped forward wondering if she should break the circuit but stopped when she heard Bubbie speak.

"I know you think your going to win Madeline but some part of you has to realize you might not, I've gotten stronger since our last tumble in the graveyard, are you sure you want to take the chance"? Bubbie knew this would have no effect on Madeline but it was distracting her from noticing Andrew tugging at the cracked beam that held his hands prisoner.

Sara stepped up beside Lindsay and said "I never pegged Bubbie as having a southern accent, I always figured he would sound like he was from the east coast". Sara was happy to finally hear Bubbie's voice, after all these years of Lindsay relaying messages she will finally be able to speak with him.

"Holy hell, you can hear him too, this changes everything, no more relaying messages, no more having to edit Bubbie's nasty responses, they would both now see what she went through on a daily basis and they would all be able to converse, plus side to everything thought Lindsay.

She turned her attention back to Andrew and saw that he had almost broken through the beam that had held his hands, Lindsay admired his resourcefulness but had to shake her head at his actual smarts.

If Andrew were to break that beam the whole house would come crumbling on top of their heads and then its game over for everyone.

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