Chapter 10

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Sara looked at the small store and the wooden stairs at the side of the building leading to an upper apartment, figures trucker barbie would live above a corner store thought Sara and got out of her car.

As she made her way up the stairs she could hear loud heavy metal music playing and knew she was in the right spot, Sara judged from her Metallica t-shirt the other day that she liked this music.

Sara preferred the classic crooner like Frank Sinatra or Frankie Valli but to each their own she thought and knocked on the door, she wasn't surprised when no one answered the door, how could she hear a knock over that noise.

She was just about to do the police knock when Lindsay opened the door "hey Dic, you made it". Sara had no idea how she could of heard the knock and found it odd, just one of the many odd things that seem to accompany this girl thought Sara.

Lindsay motioned for her to come in and then she went over to turn the music down. Sara figured her apartment was small but this was tiny, everything was only a few steps away from each other she felt claustrophobic looking at it, she turned to Lindsay who was watching her reaction to her apartment with an amused look on her face "its so quaint" said Sara in her best cheerful voice.

"We like it, it suits us doesn't it Bubbie"? Sara watched as Lindsay tilted her head and laughed. "Bubbie says its our little slice of heaven" then Sara watched as Lindsay replied to the air beside her "it better be cause there is no fucking way either one of us is going to heaven".

Sara was thoroughly confused, what was she watching she wondered, she saw trucker barbie talking to no one and laughing at god knows what, Sara could only think of one thing to say "ummmm who's Bubbie".

Sara sat and listened as Lindsay explained that she was born with a spirit protector attached to her, his real name was Bobby but as a little one Lindsay called him Bubbie and the name just stuck, she explained that Bubbie is a spirit that can go anywhere but he never leaves her side unless she demands he does, his job is to keep Lindsay safe no matter what, that's how she knew the other officers were staring at her, "Bubbie told me, any questions?" she finished.

Sara didn't know what to think, she expected something like she was a psychic or an empath but a spirit protector, nah, Sara wasn't convinced and said "you realize I'm a detective right and as much as I would like to take your word for it, I need to see proof"? Sara felt nervous as she saw Lindsay's grin widen.

"Tell me Dic, where did you buy the lacy black bra your wearing, I have one almost like that" Lindsay asked with an amused look on her face. Sara felt her face go flush, she was in fact wearing her lacy black bra, in a profession where she dressed so plainly all the time she liked feeling like a woman underneath her detective clothes "and Bubbie quit looking down her top you fucking pervert" laughed Lindsay.

Sara subconsciously pulled the collar of her shirt closer to her neck and asked "how do I know your not psychic or a really lucky guesser"?

She watched as Lindsay got up from the table and grabbed two shot glasses and a bottle of Jack Daniels that just happen to be sitting on her counter, not stored in a cupboard or tucked away Sara noticed and she  started to wonder exactly how much of that bottle does she drink and how often and how reliable will she be.

She watched as Lindsay sat the bottle down on the table and set a shot glass in front of Sara then sat down in her chair and set her own in front of her. Sara started to push the glass back towards Lindsay and started to say that she doesn't drink but stopped when Lindsay held up her hand and said "bartender shots all around" Sara watched and nothing happened she heard Lindsay speak again "oh fuck  Bubbie, parlour trick or not just pour the goddamn shots already".

Being a detective Sara has seen some pretty creepy shit but she wasn't ready for this she watched the lid of the bottle start to turn until the cap came off and landed on the table with tap, then she watched the bottle lift into the air and pour two perfect shots then land back on the table, she rubbed her eyes before she looked at Lindsay and said "ok, that was proof".

They sat there in silence for a few minutes and both jumped when they heard a knock at the door "Andrews here" said Lindsay just as the door opened and Andrew walked through, Sara watched Lindsay get up from the table and throw her arms around Andrew and give him a big hug saying "you smell so good, almost like you went to the bakery before you got here".

Andrew brought out a box from behind his back and said "of course I did, I know what my girl likes". Sara got up and shook Andrew's hand and offered him her chair "no thanks I'm good I'm going to sit on the couch and watch Casper do his parlour tricks" he said as he grabbed a danish a plunked down her couch.

Bubbie floated up to Andrew and yelled at him "eat shit father fuckhead, don't you come into my house and pull this shit, I'm not your fucking personal clown get that through your fucking head". Andrew turned to Lindsay and asked in a polite tone " so what's Casper saying about me now".

Lindsay told Andrew that Bubbie's response was that he had already done his parlour trick but he would happy to do it again for you. "For some reason I don't believe that for a moment Lindsay Quinn" Andrew said with a grin on his face.

Sara watched the two of them or I guess three of them as she corrected herself and could tell that they were close, maybe not Andrew and this Bubbie character but she could see that they both loved Lindsay and that she was the one thing they would always have in common.

Sara didn't think Lindsay and Andrew were a couple by any means but she could tell there was a level of trust and intimacy between them that had nothing to do with sex , she hoped to find out why one day but would never dare to ask.

"Sorry to break up the good times, but I do need to ask about the vandalism case" Sara said with an apologetic tone. Lindsay walked back over to the table and sat down across from Sara noticing that their shots were still on the table.

Lindsay held up her shot glass to Sara and motioned her to do the same "oh I don't drink" said Sara in a soft tone, she watched as Lindsay shrugged her shoulder and downed her shot, then turned to Sara and reached for her shot, Sara handed it to her and watched Lindsay down the second shot without a grimace.

Lindsay explained that Bubbie hung out at the cemetery for a couple of days after the first incident and saw two boys sneaking around with a backpack, he heard them giggling about how everyone in the town would be scared when they saw another message about the witch, Bubbie followed them and stopped them from vandalizing the other side of the fence.

"How did he stop them exactly"? asked Sara, she couldn't see how that was possible he was a ghost he couldn't touch them could he, could he posses them Sara wondered, she made sure to remember these questions for later but was curious to hear the answer.

Lindsay laugh and said "Damn Bubbie that's nasty, I get scaring them but making them literally shit their pants, that's just awesome"

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