Chapter 16

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Andrew tugged hard at the beam that held his arms above his head, he felt the beam give just a little more and knew it would do what he needed when he needed it.

Feeling somewhat confident that he was going to survive this ordeal he turned his focus to Madeline, if he could chip away at her confidence it might just be enough.

"So what's your grand plan anyways Madeline" asked Andrew in an interested tone "are you going to destroy Brewsters Bay, or the whole country or the world, what's your endgame"?

Andrew hoped that this was enough to distract her, he knew his friends were close and wanted to at least try and give them a bit of a head start. He watched as Madeline shimmered her way over to him and felt the coldness that accompanied her presence.

"My plans are none of your concerns, the only thing you need to know is that once I am inside Lindsay's body I got big plans for you and I lover boy".

The thought of having this handsome ones hand all over her body, feeling his mouth kissing her all over was too exciting, she could hardly wait till she could touch again, she had gone so long without touching anything and now that she was so close the excitement grew.

Andrew was disappointed that Madeline wouldn't reveal more, there had to be a way to get under her skin he just had to figure it out, he had been toying with an idea but the thought of it made him feel dirty and he was almost sure that his church would be repulsed but did the end justify the means, he was about to find out.

Andrew watched Madeline pulse eagerly in front of him and braced himself for what he had to do, "so these big plans you have, I assume they have to do with sex" said Andrew feeling stupid as soon as the words came out, of course it was about sex, if he was going to play her game he had to do better. He gathered his thoughts and tried once more.

"So once you have me alone and your in Lindsay's body I assume you will want me to touch you" he asked rhetorically and continued "would you want me to rub my hands slowly over her breasts, caressing and teasing her pink nipples, or would you prefer if I ran my tongue over each nipple before I kissed my way down her body till I was between her legs.

Once I was between her legs would you want me to lick her sweet spot or just position my shaft to thrust deep inside her"?

Madeline stopped shimmering immediately, Andrew noticed her shimmer almost disappear again for a moment and realized that he had got her flustered, she was used to being he only one saying disgusting things and the fact that Andrew had played back was clearly throwing her off, he knew that he would have to pray hard for forgiveness.

He was sure that his Big Boss would understand, this was survival and the Big Boss must know that Andrew had no intention of ever touching Lindsay in that way.

Andrew watched as Madeline moved away from him and started to pulse rapidly, oh ya he was affecting her, she wasn't used to being in control, he decided to push further. " would you want me on top thrusting into her hard or would you rather be on top riding me slowly, grinding her slick wet heat again my throbbing shaft" Andrew thought for sure he was going to hell after this last comment but he was willing to try anything.

Madeline's shimmer had disappeared, he looked around the room but saw no sign of her, this worried him as he knew Lindsay was almost to the house, he could feel her presence and started to get worried, he had to do something, he had to get Madeline to come back, she needed to be in shimmer form, he decided to change tactics.

"What's the matter Madeline?" Andrew said in a teasing voice, "don't like it when I play back, maybe you can't handle me after all, maybe your just all talk and no action". Andrew knew this would get her and it did. She reappeared right in front of him which caused him to jump and almost lose control of his bladder, again.

"Oh handsome one, do you really think you can rattle me so easily" Madeline replied in her gravelly voice, but Andrew could swear he heard a slight waver in her response and believed he had rattled her even if it was just a little, small miracles can have big results Andrew thought to himself.

Madeline didn't want to admit that she was a little rattled by Andrew's forwardness but yet she was and didn't know why, she did want all that to happen between them and she knew it would but the fact that she couldn't figure out why she was rattled had her even more unnerved.

Where was all this coming from, she knew she was going to win, she knew she would be in Lindsay's body before the night was done, she knew she would be having her first orgasm in centuries shortly after and then it hit her.

She smelled it, it was the well, she could smell the stale water and the musty odour of moldy rocks and rotting carcasses, she felt panic pulse through her shimmer and tried to get a hold of it, memories of her abusive childhood flooded her mind, she shook off the thoughts the best she could and readied herself, the time was close.

Andrew felt his stomach heave as his the smell of moldy rocks, stale water and rotting carcasses filled his nostrils, he looked around to see if there was water seeping anywhere into the basement and saw nothing, he noticed Madeline had moved to the bottom of the basement stairs and shimmered rapidly, apparently she could smell it too.

Madeline floated back over to Andrew and noticed he had his eyes closed and his lips were moving slightly "praying won't help you handsome one, the end is near and soon I will be reborn".

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