Chapter 3

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Lindsay looked at Sara and rolled her eyes although she couldn't help but smile "I'd say from the look on your face you know exactly where we are going Dic" Lindsay replied. Sara knew that Lindsay would do this, she had been friends with her long enough to know that when Lindsay gets an idea in her head its almost impossible to talk her out of it, but Sara had a few ideas of her own.

"Let's go back up to your apartment, I got something I want to show you guys" said Sara and opened Lindsay's door for her, Oliver turned off the car and got out. Once they were back at Lindsay's table Sara pulled out an envelop and set it on the table "results of what was found in the tin I sent away" she said and raised her eyebrows.

Sara explained that she stopped at the station on her way back to her place and found that the envelop had been dropped off earlier that day "I haven't looked at it yet, thought maybe we should do that together" she finished and pulled out the report.

Lindsay looked it over unsure of what the checked boxes meant but could read the comment, no viable DNA found, she looked at Sara and said "ok Dic, dumb this down for me cause I have no idea what I'm looking at", Sara looked over at Oliver and saw him nod in agreement.

Sara explained that there was no fingerprints or and DNA found on the tin or the contents inside, she explained that the curled up papers were remnants of a scroll with a language written on it that the lab techs couldn't explain, Lindsay saw where Sara had placed a star beside that column she pointed at it and Sara explained that she would need to find a language professor to help her translate it.

Oliver got up and walked over to the coffee table and picked up Lindsay's laptop, he was aware of Sara watching him and heard her huff, he turned to her giving her his best "its all good" smile and walked back over to the table, he slid the laptop over to Lindsay while keeping his eyes on Sara.

"I know you don't like it, but this is the quickest way of finding the answers we need, and we don't have time to sit around and discuss where to find language professors." Sara knew Oliver was right but didn't like it, Lindsay started up her laptop then slid it over to Oliver.

Lindsay could hear Oliver typing fast, holy crap he really knew his way around a computer she thought, as she watched Oliver typing then reading then typing again she looked over to where Bubbie shimmered at his window, she got up and walked over to him "what do Bubbie?" she asked.

Bubbie turned towards Lindsay and said "I'm thinking about Andrew", this took Lindsay by surprise, Bubbie didn't hate Andrew just looked at him like an annoying little step brother and never hid his distaste for Andrew's calling he continued "I'm remembering when you first met him in the cafeteria, how even then I thought he was a fuckhead but he was good for you, and you were good for him.

Then I watched how close you guys got as the years ticked on how he was always there for you no questions asked, I liked that about him I always expected you to end up with him, I was shocked when he went off to Seminary school."

Lindsay was confused, what was Bubbie getting at she wondered then asked "why are you talking about Andrew in the past tense, we are going to get him and bring him home".

She could feel tears welling up in her eyes then felt Oliver's warm arms wrap around her Lindsay turned to face him wrapped her arms around him tight and released the pent up tears.

Oliver held Lindsay and it dawned on him just how much Lindsay loved Andrew and how much she needed him in her life, he stroked her hair and promised to her that they will bring him home no matter what happens.

Lindsay pulled away and Oliver wiped her tears away with his thumb, he was surprised when Lindsay gave a soft chuckle the saw her motion to the table.

Oliver couldn't help but smile when he saw Sara sitting in front of the laptop scrolling down a page.

Sara looked up and saw Lindsay and Oliver staring at her with grins on their faces "oh shut up" she said and grinned back.

Sara didn't like computers but knew they were a unfortunate part of life, its not like she didn't know how to work one just didn't really like to, she used them for work but didn't own one of her own, however, her book collection was extensive and she was quite proud of it.

Sara had found a web site to decipher ancient languages and paused when she found the same style of writing that was on the papers staring at her from the computer "I found it!" she exclaimed.

Sara turned the computer towards Oliver and Lindsay, a smile came across their faces as they read down the page Lindsay felt relief for the first time and said in a hopeful voice "we can work with this, if all we need is something Madeline is attached to to anchor her spirit to.

We have her old house, the exact place where she has Andrew, if we can recite the same words that are on the scroll then we can bind her to the house". They all looked at each other and nodded feeling like they might actually have a chance.

Sara started translating the words onto the scroll and realized that some of the words wouldn't translate to English, when she mentioned this Oliver spoke up "you know the Inca's had a similar ritual maybe we can substitute the words, they would have the same meaning right?" he finished.

Sara and Lindsay agreed and Oliver opened a new web page and typed in exorcism rituals in Incan tribes.

With the incantation translated all they needed was supplies, Sara suggested they go in the morning and she will pick up the candles, flashlights, first aid kit and coffees on her way over.

Sara said goodnight to Oliver and Lindsay for the second time that night and warned Lindsay not to do anything dumb when they had a solid plan. Lindsay agreed she wouldn't and Sara left.

Lindsay turned to Oliver and smiled at him "I hope you don't snore" she said then took his hand and led him to the bed.

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