Chapter 7

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Andrew tried to control his fear, he wasn't 16 anymore, yes he had wet himself and he felt foolish for that but he was a grown man now he wasn't going go down without a fight. He looked at the black shimmer floating in front of him and tried to steady his voice "hello Madeline" he said flatly. He looked around again searching for a way out as he looked around he kept talking to Madeline "you know you will never get Lindsay" he said and continued "Bubbie will come and deal with you and my friends will free me" he finished.

Madeline's grating laugh echoed throughout the basement "that's what I'm counting on, I have a few new tricks her great protector doesn't know about, he already felt one of them in the well". Andrew watched her pulsing quickly and knew she was getting worked up, he started thinking about ways to use that against her.

"This is your house isn't it" he started, he watched her shimmer pulse faster and kept going "I imagine at one time it was a beautiful home, I can almost see you and your family living happily here, after all you were one of the richest families in the county, the richest in Brewsters Bay that's for sure" he finished and smiled when her pulsing got so fast it was almost hard to see.

Andrew felt himself get dizzy, it felt like all the air was being sucked out of the room. "Stop talking" she grated and her voice seem to come from all sides of the room, Andrew turned his head to each of the voices, he was confused as to where she was and which voice was actually her, new trick he thought to himself. He watched as her shimmer slowed as she gained some control but he could feel a nervous energy in the room and guessed it came from her, he began to poke again.

"I'll bet you have some good memories of this house and of your family, you were an only child your parents must have doted on you, I can see you in your pretty dresses your mother lovingly combing your hair"? He watched with curiosity as she began to pulse quickly again and saw her shimmer fade a little, hmmm interesting he thought.

 Feeling his courage expanding he pushed a little more "I've seen a picture of your parents and you look so much like you dad, I'll be that made him proud". His eyes went wide in surprise as he watched Madeline pulse so fast she was almost invisible in fact he lost her shimmer for a few seconds, he put together that the angrier she gets the harder it is for her stay in her shimmer state, pulsing was an involuntary reaction for her, was Bubbie the same way he wondered to himself?  

"I can only imagine how hard it was to lose your parents, I'm sure they're last thoughts were of how much they loved you and I'll bet you missed them terribly, you were lucky to survive and to have to be alone in the world, I can't imagine it was easy, you poor thing, then to die all alone burning on a cross, I'm so sorry you had to go through that". He knew he had pushed the right button, he watched as she pulsed in and out of her shimmer form she seemed to fade out more than she was shimmering, he didn't understand what was going on but he could feel the air come back into the room when she was gone. 

He looked up at his tied up hands and tried to wiggle them a little bit, he thought he felt some movement on his wrist, he wiggled his wrist together and felt the knot loosen, hope filled his heart,  if he could wiggle his wrists and loosen the knot just a little more he could free his hands, he started wiggling them frantically trying to ignore the rope that was painfully ripping at his skin and concentrate on the movement, he stopped suddenly when Madeline's shimmer reappeared.

"You talk to much handsome one, and once I've consumed your precious Lindsay I have a use for your tongue its been so long and I promise you will love the taste of it" she purred in her raspy voice then said in a playful tone "and after I plan to cut your tongue out". 

She floated up to Andrew again but he didn't move this time, he stared right into the black foggy cloud of her shimmer, Madeline floated closer to Andrew and he could feel a coldness take over his body, he could feel himself slipping away, he looked down in horror as he saw the black shimmer slowly entering his body.

"Your mother must have loved you so much, she saved you from the fire,  her last act was to get you out the window so you would survive, that's real motherly love, your alive because of her". Heat returned to Andrew's body and he watched her black shimmer float away from him, he breathed a sigh of relief and felt inside himself to make sure he was still there, yep all good he thought. 

He watched as Madeline's shimmer faded in and out of sight rapidly, he was feeling positive in his course of action and tried to recall all that he had read about her life, he knew that she was burned at the stake, and that she was abused and neglected, knew of her curse on Brewsters Bay and the fishing boats and had a healthy suspicion that she was responsible for the fire that burned her parents alive. 

Andrew had never been so happy to be a reader than he was now, he loved books and the feel of the pages, he read about all topics, thinking of books and reading made him think of Sara, always helpful, smart as a whip and loyal, he would always thank the lord for the day they met in the library. He knew his friend were on their way and he knew he had to buy some time. he was thinking about what he had read when he was shaken by a voice or voices.

"Don't talk about my life, you know nothing of my life you filthy man of faith" the voices said together "you can't stop what going to happen, your friends can't stop what's going to happen, we are eternal" the voices said in unison, Andrew shuddered at the sound of the voices, he heard Madeline's rasp but heard a deep voice in that rasp and that voice concerned him.

Andrew could feel her irritation and that's exactly what he wanted, he had never heard the other voice that was disguised by Madeline's rasp but it wasn't going to shake him. "I know that your mother was just a child when she gave birth to you and that you were born in a barn, literally" he finished.

Madeline shimmered rapidly and felt her control slipping away calm yourself he's just trying to get a rise out of you she said inwardly then she heard the voice "save your energy, soon his friends will come and you will need to be ready". Madeline knew the voice was right, it was always right.

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