Chapter 8

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Sara looked out the window as they made their way out of town, she remembered when she first came to Brewsters Bay, she was surprised her transfer went through so quick, but she knew her superiors were eager for her to move on as was she, an officer who charged fellow officers were never wanted around.

Sara wasn't expecting to be invited to the local cop bar after her shift and hadn't really planned on it but she was new to the force and wanted to be a part of them, one of the gang she thought. When she arrived she saw her fellow officers had found a table at the back and were challenging each other to shots, loudly, Sara smiled when she saw her co workers having a good time and was ready to be a part of that.

She walked up to the table and heard a chorus of "hey", she smiled and her fellow officer Ben pulled out a chair for her, as she sat down she surveyed the room quickly the bar was busy, clusters of people, a few girls were dancing seductively together and staring in the direction of their table particularly at Ben "I think you have some admirers" she told Ben and chuckled when she saw the disgusted look on his face.

"I have no interest in that" he replied and looked at Sara, she felt her stomach flutter, why is he looking at me like that she thought to herself, before she could ask further he had called the waitress over and motioned for Sara to order her drink, she could hear him chuckle when she ordered a cranberry juice and jumped when he placed his hand on hers "Cranberry juice" he said with amusement "its Saturday night and we don't have to work tomorrow, live a little".

Sara wasn't sure why she gave in but she asked the waitress to add a shot of vodka to her cranberry juice, she couldn't help but smile when she heard the table break out into a chorus of "atta girl and let the good times roll".

Sara finished her third vodka and cranberry and decided that was enough, her arms were feeling like jello and she had talked more than she could ever remember and Ben was there for all of it, they had talked most of the night she explained her love of books and how she was the youngest one in her class at the academy and how she was hoping to make detective someday, she shared more with him than anyone before and he was interested in everything she had to say.

She didn't expect the kiss he attempted on her and held up her hand to him "I'm sorry" she said "I want to kiss you badly but I want our first kiss to be when were both sober and mean it". She knew she meant it but needed to be sure from him. He smiled warmly and assured her that it was no big deal and that they will go on a proper date.

Sara was excited to have a date, this time she spent with Ben made her feel good about herself and life, she felt excited for their date and decided that if this was going to be a real thing she wouldn't run away but welcome it, she was lost in this thought and didn't notice Ben when he walked away from the table.

She looked around but didn't see him, in fact she noticed that Leo and Chris who were fellow officers had left the table too, suddenly she was alone. She got up from the table and steadied herself, she could feel the room spinning and stood still for a moment, once the room stopped spinning she began to walk around the bar, she looked for anyone who was at the table with them but saw no one but realized she really needed to pee, she walked down the dark corridor to the bathroom holding herself up with the wall.

She saw the bathroom door with the faded lady in a dress when she heard something, a muffled something she stood still and listened again, a thump she clearly heard it that time she quietly walked towards the sound fully sober now she paused again when she heard a man's voice say in a hush "quit it wiggleworm or it will be so much worse" she heard the muffled cry again and inched closer to the door that was opened slightly she peered in and had to fight the urge to vomit she gathered up her courage and kicked the door open.

"What the fuck" yelled Leo and turned towards the sound, his eyes went wide with fear as he quickly took his cock out of the girls mouth and tried to tuck it back in his pants with much difficulty as he was fully erect, Sara looked at the young girl with the heavy lidded eyes and knew she was drugged, she recognized her as one of the girls who were dancing and eye fucking Ben, she looked over and saw Chris quickly doing up his pants with an unmistakable look of shame.

Sara felt her stomach drop when she heard a familiar voice say in a creepy tone " I was going to fuck her" Ben walked closer to the drugged girl and began to stroke his cock through his pants "wanna watch"? Sara walked up to Ben and gave him a disgusted look and kicked him hard in the balls, she watched as he doubled over onto the ground groaning and screaming "you'll pay for this bitch". Sara collected the drugged girl and walked her out of the room.

Ben was right, she did pay for it, after she and the victim reported the assault and the officers were charged her real hell began. She found dead rats in her locker, notes on her desk detailing all the ways to poison a rat and the final straw was when one of her fellow officers left a rats head skewered on her car antenna, after six months of that torment she put in for a transfer.

However Brewsters Bay was not her first stop, the departments psychologist had authorized Sara to take time off and strengthen her mental health which meant Sara could work extra hard to pass the detectives exam and six months into her sabbatical she did just that. She remembered how proud she was when she got the letter saying she had passed, she accepted her new job position and framed her her business card which read Detective Sara Morgan, Brewsters Bay police department.

She had only been there a month when she got her first case, the local cemetery had been vandalized twice in the last month, the messages were disturbing and sinister she read one aloud "she will return" well that's great thought Sara too bad it didn't tell her when. She walked around and noticed that this was the older part of the cemetery the graves were moldy and faded she wrinkled her nose at the smell as she walked towards the small church that stood beside it.

Sara took a deep breath when she first met Father Andrew Meers, his eyes were amazing, his jet black hair in that tousled sexy look, she looked at the white collar around his neck damn he was hot for a priest she reached out her hand and introduced herself, he shook it gently giving her a shit eating grin the whole time.

Father Andrew or Father Andy to some of his younger congregation members was young, he was only 24 years old but already wise in his profession. He admitted to Sara that he had no idea who would want to destroy the cemetery or why Sara thought she saw a flicker of fear on Father Andrews face when she asked about the words "she will return".

Father Andy recovered quickly and said he wasn't sure about that but did want her to meet a friend of his, he warned her that she was a little odd but she might be able to reach out to someone who could find out what was going on.

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