Chapter 9

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Sara didn't know what to think when she first met Lindsay Quinn, she looked like such a barbie, a cheerleader, blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, cute figure, but she spoke like a trucker her ability to find new and creative ways for the word fuck always amused her.

They met at a place called the Restaurant, it was fairly new and Father Andrew said it was the place best to eat in town. They were suppose to meet at 1:00 for a late lunch, Sara and Andrew were there at 12:50, Sara always believed that being early was the way to go she looked at her watch and saw that 1:00 had passed 10 minutes ago.

 She was about to ask the Father if they needed to reschedule when the door opened and barbie came strolling in, her blonde hair hanging down below her shoulders, her cargo pants and Metallica shirt looked like they were custom made for her, she had the walk of someone who was sure of her self but not overly confident Sara noticed her tilting her head slightly then watched her chuckle, okay that's odd thought Sara.

Sara watched as Lindsay walked up to Father Andrew and wrapped her arms around him as she gave him a big kiss on the cheek "what's up Father what a waste" she said. Sara reached out her hand when Father Andrew introduced her and shook her hand and gave her a warm smile.

After the usual questions and small talk Sara told Lindsay about her investigation into the cemetery and the unusual words that were spray painted on the stone fences, they both agreed to meet at the cemetery the next day at 11:00, Sara knew that it would be more like 11 ish.

Sara showed up at the cemetery at 10:50  and made her way over to the defaced wall, she was pondering the words when she heard a voice behind her "what doing Dic". Sara turned to see a smiling Lindsay, she was wearing the same clothes as the day before but her blonde hair was pulled into a tight ponytail.

"Excuse me" said Sara in a questioning tone "did you just call me a dick"? Lindsay laughed, tilted her head the laughed again. Sara knew there was something to the head tilt and made a note to find out what was going on with that, right now she needed to see how trucker barbie can help her in this investigation. She directed Lindsay attention to the words on the stone wall and watched for her reaction, to her disappointment it didn't happen, she watched Lindsay read the words and saw no effect on her at all, just the funny head tilt "any thought on this?" Sara asked Lindsay.

"I think the colours they chose were perfect for the grey of the stone, look how the letters pop, it trippy almost like its 3D" Lindsay said "but I have no fuckin clue what the words mean". Sara was disappointed at the answer, turns out trucker barbie couldn't help after all, Lindsay must have saw the look of disappointment on her face and added "maybe I can find out what's going on, I can have someone look over the place when no ones around or even if they are and I called you Dic as in the old timey nickname for detective".

Sara watched as Lindsay walked up and down the rows of gravestones tilting her head and occasionally speaking to the air she could never make out what she was saying but knew what a conversation looked like. Lindsay walked back over to Sara and offered again to check it out whether someone was here or not Sara shook her head no and said " I will be sending a patrol car to park at the cemetery, you don't need to come look around or stake out the place, Father Andrew said you could help or knew someone who could and it was worth a try I appreciated the help".

 Well this was a dead end thought Sara after she said goodbye to Lindsay and watched her walk towards and old green ford tempo she saw her head tilt but this time she heard her speak "ok Bubbie I think that a good idea" and Sara watched Lindsay walk back towards her "got pen and paper Dic" asked Lindsay. Sara handed over her pen and pad, when Lindsay handed it back it had her phone number with the message we can help.

The next day Sara was at her desk looking at pictures of the graffiti and reading the patrols report about the nothing that happened when she felt a breeze come out of nowhere she looked around the room and saw Lindsay Quinn walking towards her desk, Sara noticed some of the officers stare too long at her and saw the smirk on Lindsay's face as if she knew they were staring at her. She walked over to Sara's desk and thumped down in the chair next to her desk "fuck I love it when they stare" said Lindsay smiling at the officers who were now trying to make themselves busy.

"How did you know they were staring"? asked Sara, she knew Lindsay didn't have eyes in the back of her head and as far as she saw Lindsay was looking straight ahead the whole time she couldn't have seen the officers staring at her, something was up with trucker barbie and Sara was determined to find out.

Lindsay looked at Sara and smiled "you wouldn't believe me if I told you". Sara began to think that there was more to Lindsay Quinn than barbie looks and a trucker mouth, Sara believed that some people were born with a psychic power and that sometimes they have proven helpful but surely this wasn't one of those times was it?

Lindsay explained to Sara that she believed it was just some punk kid who knew about the  the legend of a witch that supposedly lived here hundreds of years ago or some fucking crap like that and was trying to be funny. Sara had read about that when she was researching her new place of employment but it was known more as a folk tale something told around campfires to scare the kiddies.

"So how did you come to this conclusion? asked Sara "we didn't see any foot prints or signs of disruption other than the spray paint". It was plausible that it was a kid or kids trying to scare the town, an elaborate prank even if it was she would put an end to it.

Sara watched Lindsay contemplate her question, her head was tilted and she appeared to be listening, Sara noticed her nod slightly then Lindsay turned to Sara smiled and said "you wouldn't believe me if I told you" Sara had a feeling this would be the answer and was ready for it.

"Try me" Sara responded.

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