Chapter 20

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Bubbie shimmered over Lindsay trying with all his power to pull Madeline out, he reached for Lindsay's mind "please let her go, I can take her". Bubbie knew that if Lindsay held on Madeline she would consume her, he didn't know what she was planning but he knew it was too dangerous to let her do this.

Andrew begged Lindsay to let her go "Lindsay, please just let her go, I can't lose you, I won't lose you". Andrew couldn't imagine a life without Lindsay, he wouldn't, it just isn't going to happen. Andrew started to run towards Lindsay and Oliver joined him, just when they thought they were going to reach her they saw Lindsay's arm reach out, they both flew backwards and landed on the ground beside Sara.

Sara looked down at them with concern and fear, they needed to get Lindsay away from the well then let Bubbie absorb Madeline, Sara was sure that if they got her away from the well then Madeline's hold on Lindsay would weaken. Sara was terrified for her best friend, Sara wouldn't lose Lindsay, not now, not ever.

Oliver sat stunned on the ground staring at Lindsay clinging to the well and shaking, he saw the face of the woman he loved, the woman he knew he was destined to be with, the woman he would marry and spend the rest of his life making happy, he wouldn't lose her, not now, not ever. He stood up and looked at Sara and Andrew and said "we gotta do something now".

Lindsay struggled to keep Madeline inside her, she could feel Madeline's fear and her body hurt all over from being bashed about from the inside, Lindsay could feel Madeline all throughout her body slamming into her over and over again trying to get out Lindsay reached out to Madeline with her mind "give it up bitch, I got you now and were going to end this one and for all."

Bubbie kept shimmering over Lindsay trying to pull Madeline out of her, damn Lindsay was strong he thought, Bubbie couldn't understand why Lindsay was holding her in, if she would only let her go then Bubbie could at least push Madeline far enough away to get Lindsay away from the well and hopefully that would be enough to save Lindsay. He reached out to Lindsay's mind once more "come on kiddo, just let her go I can push her away long enough for you to get away from the well."

Lindsay could hear Bubbie in her head but it was taking all her concentration to hold Madeline, a couple of times she almost lost her, when she pushed Oliver and Andrew back she almost slipped out and when Bubbie started talking to her in her head, if he didn't shut up she was going to lose her grip on her, she reached out to Bubbie with her mind "holy hell Bubbie will you shut up, I know what I'm doing, this has to end one way or another, its not enough just to cast her out we have to destroy her, now hush up and let me do what I need to."

Lindsay struggled harder to keep Madeline inside her, as she grasped onto the well she heard Madeline scream with fear in her head "STOP, STOP RIGHT NOW!!!". Lindsay had never heard Madeline sound panicked like this, she knew the well was Madeline's fear and weakness but Madeline's reaction told her so much more.

Lindsay looked over to where Oliver, Andrew and Sara stood, she saw them all start forward together, crap all 3 of them were coming to drag her away from the well, she couldn't push away all 3, as they got closer Lindsay managed to find her voice "STOP, don't come any closer, I know what I'm doing" she said in the kindest voice she could muster.

They all stopped at once, Lindsay saw the look of sadness and fear on their faces and felt guilty, she loved them all so much, they gave her hope when she felt hopeless, love when she felt unworthy and friendship when she felt alone, the thought of a life without the ones she loved the most broke her heart. Lindsay struggled as she pulled herself up to sit on the edge of the well. She looked Andrew, Sara and Oliver and felt warmth fill her body, where there was once cold and and evil bashing about her insides there was now calm and light.

Lindsay looked at Oliver and began to speak "I'm sorry Oliver, I shouldn't have ever dragged you into this, I love you too much to see you suffer like this, the time we spent together was the happiest moments of my life and I will treasure them always, I love you". Oliver began to protest but Lindsay held up her hand, he stopped instantly.

Lindsay turned her head to Sara and gave her a big smile and said "you know you are my favourite Dic right, and more than just my friend, you are my sister, the one I could always turn to and who loved me as much as I love you, I will always be thankful that you were brought into my life, because of you my life has been wonderful". Sara's eyes filled with tears and she was unable to speak.

"Andrew my love, my heart, my everything, no one knows me better than you or understands me better than you, we have always been together and that will never change, I love you more than I have words for and your faith will keep me alive, I love you so much" Lindsay said as tears streamed down her face.

Bubbie shimmered beside the well and watched Lindsay talk to her friends, he had never admired her so much as he did at this moment, he reached out to her mind and said "you are an amazing woman, I am truly honoured to have been your protector, I love you kiddo".

Lindsay looked her 3 friends and the shimmer pulsing with a warm glow beside her and said "I hope you guys understand that this was the only way, now that I've absorbed her I have to end her and if I die she dies, I love you all so very much" Lindsay saw Andrew, Sara and Oliver race towards her, she heard them all scream as she flung her self backwards into the well, Lindsay closed her eyes and let herself fall.

Lindsay stood up slowly and looked around, she didn't recognize anything, she remembered saying good bye to her friends then falling down the well, at the thought of her friends Lindsay felt nothing but joy and happiness. Lindsay rubbed her eyes as a fog began to swirl around the room, she said aloud to the empty room where am I, the words came out of her mouth and seemed to echo around the room she was puzzled, she tried to say it again and louder this time WHERE AM I.

Lindsay had to shield her eye from the bright light that came from the other side of the room, she saw a figure moving towards her, she knew it was a shimmer of sorts but it appeared to be growing into a person, Lindsay could make out the shimmer forming a head, shoulders, arms legs, she watch with fascination as the shimmer turned into a person. 

Lindsay looked at the shimmering person in front of her and had a sense of familiarity, did she know this shimmer person, she wondered, she looked at the buzz cut hair and the 50's style letterman jacket she couldn't shake the sense that she knew this simmering person, she was taken back when it began to speak.

"Hey kiddo, I know this is all strange for you, but don't worry I will always be here to protect you". The shimmer person took hold of Lindsay's hand and they walked into the light together.
                                                                 THE END

A/N : Thank to all those who have read my stories and I hope you've enjoyed them, this 2 part series was my first attempt at writing, thank you for your patience and for indulging the not so good parts of the story, your support has meant so much.

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