~|chapter 4|~

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I woke up around 11 am feeling a lot better than yesterday. And I have slept pretty well. Still too embarrassed to admit I was cuddling his cloak the whole night.

I got up from bed and carefully placed Suneater's cloak on the chair next to a table.

I went to the bathroom and then downstairs looking for Becky. She is a morning person so I'm sure she is already up.

To my surprise, she isn't home. She probably went to buy some groceries.

"I guess I help myself with breakfast". I mumbled. I made myself cereal with milk nothing special.

I sat in the living room on the couch her home is totally in style. The kitchen is light pink with a white combo. The living room is mostly light brown with little golden things. There is a large flower next to the window. Yeah, she knows how to make herself a luxurious and functional home. 

When I thought about my apartment it was a disaster in comparison to hers. I don't really care, to be honest, I have everything that I need it doesn't need to be stylistic.

I turned on a big TV across the couch. News hmm no thanks. I changed the station and found one with cartoons. I grabbed blankets that were next to me and covered my legs. And started watching tv. Trying as hard as I can to get my mind off Suneater.

About 15 minutes later I hear the door unlock. I turned my head to see who is coming. My anxiety increased I hope it's Becky.

Thank God it's just Becky. "Welcome back," I say.

"Yeah I went buy some groceries and some medicine for you," she said while walking to the kitchen.

"Thanks!" I say getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen with a bowl in my hand.

Becky is getting out groceries. I leave the bowl in the sink. "Do you want help?" I ask.

"Yes, you can take the apples and oranges to the pantry." She replied.

"So tell me about your 'perfect' date" I began a conversation and opened the doors to the pantry and carefully placed apples and oranges there in the box on the floor.

"Let me tell you~" she began.
"As you know we were supposed to meet in front of the restaurant and then went inside together" she announced.

I nod.

"Well, thanks to someone I was 10 minutes earlier." She said pointing out.

"No idea… who someone could be." I tease her.

"Anyway I was just stressing as fuck because they are always late so I will be standing in front of the restaurant for 20 minutes like a total idiot." She said and placed medicine on the counter.

"Uh-huh, " I said and walked toward her. I already finished putting fruits away.

"And guess," she said happily.

I smile skeptically " tell me". I say knowing she will spit it out immediately.

"Well, I sat on a bench in front of the restaurant. And what do I see it was him! " she said excitedly hugging the bread that was in her arms.

"He was crossing the street. He looked totally like in the photos even better! Like some runaway model!" She said placing the bread in place.

I remembered the photos, he looked tall, with blond hair, green eyes, muscular, and generally good-looking. A happy smile on his face in every photo. He had a lot of friends and in his bio, it's said that he is an extrovert and outgoing person.

These two could be a good match and I'm glad that he didn't turn out to be an asshole or looked nothing like the photos he had on his profile.

We finished putting away groceries and went to the living room to sit on the couch so she could continue with her story. I wrapped myself in a blanket again and listened to her.

Maybe one day |Tamaki X Fem Reader|Where stories live. Discover now