~|chapter 12|~

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I did it! I made move and it didn't end up in catastrophe!

I lean against the door of my apartment and smile like an idiot. I put my face between my hands and scream quietly with excitement.

My happy moment is interrupted by the ringing of a mobile phone. I walk up to my bag in the living room still dazed. I look at it and it's my colleague Minato. What does he what?

I pick it up.


"Hi, y/n sorry for calling so late but can you come to work tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sure, is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, just tomorrow boss and his wife have wedding anniversary so we want to make like a little surprise party." He announced.

"I forgot about that! Of course, what should I bring?" I asked.

"Just something small like chocolate or something... "

"Okay, and when should I come?" I asked. Because I don't think that we will celebrate right at 8 am.

"Just come like normal and then like around 4 pm we will get boss out of the office and when he comes back we will be like 'Suprise!' don't worry we have a plan how to get his wife get there too." He explained.

"I am sure it will be great," I said.

"But there is one problem."

"What is it ?" I asked curiously.

"Well we have a plan for how to get Molly there but you need to distract her." He mumbled.

"What me? How am I supposed to do that ?" Of course, he would give me that role in this plan.

"I don't know you have to think of something." He said.

"Well, that's not helpful." I sigh but I want to do something for a Hiroto and his Molly.

"And how do you get Molly to come to his work? "

"Don't worry about it. She will be waiting in front of the office." He answered.

"All right...?" I answered.

"Okay see to tomorrow!" Beep beep he hangs up.

"Well God damnit" I curse. Why me, I am not a good liar. It will be a disaster.

My phone lit up with messages from Tamaki. I click on it.


Hi, So can I walk you home tomorrow after work?


Yes, but I don't know when I get off work because tomorrow we plan a secret party for the boss and his wife. I will text you or call you. By the way, I enjoyed today thank you.

Maybe one day |Tamaki X Fem Reader|Where stories live. Discover now