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Robin's POV
It's not easy to be a leader. You need to know how to lead the people and always protect them, take care of them and of course you love them. They start to be closer to you and you start to feel connected.

I guess that's how all of this started.

When my team decided that i should be the leader, i was scared. So scared because i couldn't lose any of them if i make one mistake. I wanted to protect them.

As some time passed i think i got the hang of it but then i started having weird feelings around one of the team members.

I think i knew back then what they were but i just decided to ignore it and not act on them.

I realized it was a really dumb idea and started embracing the feeling of.......liking someone.

What's worse after admiting that i like someone is that someone has never looked at me the way i look at....him.

He is looking at someone else. Someone far more prettier and smarter and kinder and so on.
I'm none of those.

I'm just a stupid leader to him. I'm not even a great leader.
In fact not just to him, all of the team members think I'm a bad leader.

So i came to conclusion, i will continue to like him but i will never tell or show it.
Even if i tried to flirt or something he thinks I'm joking. He doesn't think I'm serious or even wants to talk to me since I'm boring.

Thinking of what is going on lately between us while sitting on top of the roof of our tower, i realized we never talked much. I may not know anything about him much but i do know he is funny, thoughtful, caring, amazing friend, always ready to help his friends the most, and yes, he is also very cute. More cute than handsome.

I relieved a heavy sigh.

"Why did it have to be her?" I ask in a whisper out loud. Thinking why does he like Raven.

I mean sure she seems cool, very smart, pretty and most importantly she is a girl while I'm a boy.
Why would he ever like boys, it's so obvious he likes girls very much. He always talking with Cyborg about them and making jokes.

I know all of that and i still have fallen for him. Beast Boy what have you done to me?

"What should i do?" I asked myself again.
My tears started flowing down my cheeks. I removed my mask since i know no one is up here to see me crying or removing the mask.

"I could help you if you don't know what to do about whatever were you thinking." I heard someone say behind me. I know by heart who the voice belongs to.

"It's nothing important. So just drop it." I say calmly and quickly wiped off my tears and put back my mask on.

"It's sounds like it is. Can i sit there with you?" he asks.

"I kinda wanted to be alone but since you're here, sure." I simply say and stare out to the city.

He sits beside me and looks at me.

"Robin, why aren't you asleep?" He asks.

"Couldn't sleep, so i came up here to think. What about you?"

"Same thing but i guess you beat me to it." He giggled a little about what he said.
I smile at hearing his cute giggle.

"What do you need to think about?" I ask him.

"Some private things. I'm not ready to discuss them with anyone yet." He says.

I nod at his reply.

"What about you?"

"Well something that has been bugging me for 2 years." I sighed.

"Wow, that's a long time!" He said suprised.

"Yeah. I just can't get rid of it. No matter how hard i try. It almost sounds like it wants me to act on it but i don't wanna." I try to explain.

"What is it about?"

"It doesn't matter now. I'm sure it will go away at some point." I tried to reassure him so he doesn't question me anymore. If he does i think i might actually tell him how i feel.

"Alright then. If you don't want to talk about it just say it. I won't get mad at you." He says in comforting manner and puts a hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

"Thank you and yeah, you're right. I'm not ready to talk about it even after 2 years of having a problem with it." I let out a small laugh.

"You can always talk to me, I'm gonna listen to you."

I gave him a smile. "Thanks and you too. You know i can always help you, as your leader i should help you in every way possible. Do you have some problems? Wait, is it a girl problems?" I tried to tease him with that question so i could lift up the mood but he got all awkward.

"W-what nooo. Why would you think that? I mean i don't need help with girls. Why would i need it with them, any girl would be lucky to have me." He say it all quickly and i stare at him weirdly.

"Okay, you don't need it." I confirm it in a confused voice.

There was a moment of silence when he decided to say something but i cut him off.
"Robin i actually wanted to-"

"It's getting late, we should get back to sleep." I say.

"But Robin-"

"We can talk about it next time." I say quickly.
I think he wanted to ask me about an advice about Raven. No i don't want to hear it and confirm my thoughts that he likes her.

We got back to our rooms and i couldn't sleep at all since i was still thinking about me and Beast Boy just had an actual conversation and it was serious, not just full of jokes that he makes with Cyborg along the way.

I need a rest, it was a long night.

Hey guys.
It's another BBROB! I hope you'll like it.
It is simple but very cute, i dont know how long i intend it to be but I'll try to make it to 20 chp the least.

Mostly the chps are gonna be in Robin's POV since he wants to be noticed by BB but then again he doesn't. Hard to explain..

That's all for now.
Bug out😜💖

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