Unpublished Stories

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The unpublished ideas I had for MomoJirou but could never execute due to a loss of interest or writer's block. There will be some extra scenes followed by the story plot idea if I wrote that far into it. Feel free to take these story ideas, you just have to credit me.


1. Love Again [MomoJirou]

Recently broken up couple Momo Yaoyorozu and Kyouka Jirou find themselves forced to reflect on their past relationship as they continue to battle daily school life. All seems good in the world until they find themselves questioning what else they could possibly be. New relationships and annoying friends clearly isn't what they signed up for.

Momo would've gotten into another relationship much faster compared to Kyouka, which would give Kyouka an extreme insecurity.

2. Timeline A [MomoJirou]

Everything seems normal and ordinary for Kyouka Jirou one Tuesday night. She wakes up, goes to school, attends classes, goes back to the dorm and sleeps after class like always. It was her daily routine and something she grew accustomed to. Yet something seems different the moment she realizes she's reliving the same day over and over again. Between all the stress of daily life Kyouka Jirou finds herself tackling the concept of time as she desperately tries to break the time loop she's stuck in. She's all by herself in remembering this continuous loop and somehow needs to save herself and everyone else from reliving the same day. 

When the days start repeating for the nth time Kyouka is brought to borderline insanity. She had way too many do-over days where she'd freak out her classmates by stating what events would follow before they happened. More often than not, despite feeling guilty about it, Kyouka had some timelines where she'd confess her feelings for Momo.

3. Neighbors [MomoJirou]

Kyouka Jirou and Momo Yaoyorozu are neighbors and have been for many years. They've only ever interacted with a simple greeting when they crash into each other. Yet one night on their balconies, when Momo is found crying, changes their lives forever. Within all the balcony talks and playful banter they grow heavily infatuated with each other.

Fun fact:
This was supposed to come out instead of "Locker Letters" months ago, which is why the cover for this fanfiction was already made. I had this decision up to a coin toss. There are two different scenarios as to how this coin toss followed since I cannot fully remember. The coin toss landed on "Locker Letters" but a huge part of me wanted to write "Neighbors" instead. (1). The coin toss landed on "Neighbors" but I had more planned out for "Locker Letters" so I switched over to the other fanfiction. (2).

4. U.A. Diary [MomoJirou]

On the road of becoming a pro-hero, Kyouka Jirou starts keeping a diary to keep track of her time at UA. Unknowingly, those diary entries somehow end up being about her classmate Momo Yaoyorozu instead.

The cover for this fanfiction was already made but I lost it. The book would start by following specific episodes throughout the series but quickly turn into something else. Each chapter title would be rather long.

Extra content: I only had 4 chapters and the ending planned out.

Ch. 1: "I Judged Too Quickly and She Surprised Me"
- This is based on episode 5 of season 1 where after the quirk assessment test Aizawa made up the lie of students being expelled. After this exchange Momo delivers the dialogue of "Of course it's a lie, duh. It's not hard to figure out." Then after she said that Kyouka and two other students (Mineta and Denki) sweat drop thinking "I didn't notice..."
- I always thought Kyouka's expression towards what Momo said was so different from what we usually get nowadays with their interactions. That's what made me headcanon that Kyouka didn't have the best first impression of Momo.
- The chapter would quickly follow how Kyouka originally thought that Momo was some know-it-all, where her impression on Momo would then change when she and Momo actually properly get to talking.

Ch. 2: "I Learned More About Her and She's Interesting"
- This takes place somewhere in the middle of episodes 7 to 9 of season 1. It isn't based on anything that happened throughout the episode. I just needed some sort of border separating the quirk assessment to the villain attack of season 1.

Ch. 3: "I Worked Together With Her Because of Villains"
- Kyouka recalls the events after the villain attack before going to bed. She learns how well she works with Momo in combat.

Ch. 4: "I Saw Her Naked Chest and Now I Can't Sleep"
- Kyouka ends up being unable to think because her bisexual brain is malfunctioning. To deal with that she vents out her frustrations in a diary entry.


The fanfiction would then end with an epilogue of Momo reading Kyouka's diary entries. She explicitly points out diary entry #4 and two laugh about it. I had a part of the epilogue written out but it's lowkey out of character and it makes me cringe so I won't be adding that.

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