Requested Drabbles

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Breaking Down Your Walls
Tags: Angst, Insecurities, Hurt/Comfort
Word count: 881

Requested by: Kyoash_xx

Requested by: Kyoash_xx

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Maybe the first sign should've been her general discomfort after Mineta's perverted comments. Maybe the first sign should've been the way her face fell, a lip sucked in between her teeth as she seemed to pause, almost lost in thought. It could've been the way she hid her body, wrapping her arms around her chest, as if she was hiding herself away.

Yet, what clued Momo in was Kyouka's change in habits. The way she started to wear a thick black undershirt, under her hero costume. The way her outer wear after class consisted of baggy shirts, something that was not her. What seemed to overflow her worries was how she started to change in the bathroom. It happened once, then twice, then by the third time it clicked in Momo that this was definitely purposeful.

It's not like she didn't ask before and just let the signs that started to pile up. She'd always ask. Whether it be a general question asking if she was okay, or a slight squeeze on the shoulder asking if there's something on her mind. By the time more signs started to bleed through their daily routine, it became evident that Kyouka seemed terrified to talk about it.

Over time as both Kyouka and Momo became closer friends she started to learn. One of them being that sometimes you had to push. Sometimes you have to do more than just ask a simple question. Sometimes you had to really clue it in to the person, that you were there for them.

Finally, Momo relented after the moment seemed to call to her once a brief comfortable silence consumed them. They were sitting in Kyouka's room studying, their textbooks long forgotten as they relaxed. "Hey, you know, I'm always there for you, right?"

Kyouka looked up at her, squinting. "Uh- yeah. Of course, what's up?"

"You've been acting different recently," she paused, the words practically falling out of her throat before she knew it. "And- and you've been more quiet sometimes. Or your style just changes, and now you're changing in the bathroom-."

Her eyes widened, stopping herself as she saw the way Kyouka looked at her. She looked as if she was about to run away, and hide herself far away from Momo.

"It's," she paused," "It's fine." She insisted. "It doesn't bother me that much." She lied knowing full well Momo would be able to tell.

"You're lying to me. Come on, Kyouka, I can tell you need to talk to someone. Don't shut yourself out."

A moment of silence passed as Kyouka seemed to hesitate over words bubbling over her throat. "I don't want to burden you over something so dumb- so personal."

"It's not dumb. I'm your best friend, Kyouka. I want to know that you're okay." She breathed out, frowning as Kyouka seemed to fail to meet her eyes. "If you want me to drop this, just let me know, and I will." Momo added on as an extra precaution, being careful to not step over any boundaries.

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