Headcanons + Drabbles

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MomoJirou Headcanons

Theme: Peers finding out they're together


1. Some people have an inkling they're together, but always chalk it down to them being how they usually are around each other. It's safe to say they surprised no friend of theirs when revealing they're dating.

2. Before telling people they're together, they get used to the transition first, which ended up being a short week. They didn't want people to know, since it's a lot for them, as it's their first serious relationship. It also didn't help that their friends were no strangers to voicing their curiosity. The transition was easy enough as they're best friends, but that doesn't mean they don't experience their own fair share of awkwardness.

3. Prior to telling them, only a few were aware of one's feelings for another. In Jirou's case, Mina and Denki knew after pestering her. Jirou also thought Tokoyami (being as perceptive as he is) and Shoji (with his quirk) may have known, but they never really talked about it. Momo was a lot more secretive about her feelings, since she wasn't one to express herself emotionally. She had confided in Kendou as well as dropped a few hints to Ochako about her romantic feelings towards Jirou.

4. The first people they told were the girls in the class, since they’re the closest shared friends amongst the two of them. It ultimately comes up in a casual conversation at one of their sleepovers. Neither of the girls asks, but they can definitely see a difference in their interactions. Overall, they just seemed a lot more touchy and involved with each other.

They told the girls’ mid conversation while talking about hero training they had that day. Though they didn't plan for it to happen, that way they agreed it would be best to tell them during the sleepover. Jirou was the one to tell them, but she simply saw the chance when Tsuyu asked her a question and took it. She also made sure Momo was okay with it by (discreetly) squeezing her hand and giving her a look of some sort.

"Have you been doing any training outside of class, Jirou?"

"Yeah, Yaomomo and I have been sparring recently." She paused. "It was hard at first with her being my girlfriend and all, but we got used to it."


The revelation caught Mina off guard since she didn't expect them to reveal it like that, but all the girls were supportive and excited for the two. Hagakure literally tackled the two into a group hug after the news.

5. The next to hear came naturally from one or both of the girls telling them. Denki, who was with Kirishima and Sero, heard from both of the girls in the common room. They simply said they were dating and held up their joined hands and Denki was an overdramatic cheerleader. Kirishima offered his support with the added word of "manly." Whereas Sero almost cracked a joke that made Jirou stab him with her ear jack. Some people found out unintentionally when they told Denki, like Bakugou and Ojiro. Whereas others were told in the most casual way possible. Jirou went up to Tokoyami like "I got a girlfriend" and all he could say was "congrats." Whereas Todoroki ended up finding out because Momo is his seatmate and the background noise of their classmates can 't drown their banter out.

For the people they didn't tell, they all would eventually find out whether it was by word of mouth or a display of affection that obviously went above simple friends. Though there was a rare case of Mineta being sworn to not comment or do anything creepy towards the couple. For the people who weren't close with Momo and Jirou, they didn't care nor have any comment regarding the pair. It wasn't really any of their business and didn't see any issue, as they weren't hurting anybody.

There were some standout moments of realization though that came with everyday life at U.A. Iida realized and was disappointed he wasn't as perceptive as he thought.


"Of course I pay attention to our classmates." His voice boomed around the empty classroom, as he stood facing Yaoyorozu, with his arm going in an up and down motion. "It's important for the class rep to make sure that all the students remain in check."

"I agree. This is also why I'm offering study groups a lot more often." Yaoyorozu softly spoke as she gathered up the last of the file folders they needed to sort after school.

After exiting and locking up the classroom, the two walked together towards the office to drop off some files for their teacher, Aizawa. The conversation was just random idle chatter about their classmates’ improvement quirk wise, as well as academically.

"Ah," there was a slight pause in Yaoyorozu's steps as she pulled out her phone and checked a text message. "I have a date with Kyouka. I'm sorry, Iida, but can you deliver the rest of the class files?"

"Of course! Have fun on your date!"

Iida wasn't sure if he was happy that they were together or sad he wasn't perceptive enough to notice the change in the relationship between Yaoyorozu and Jirou.


Deku found out because sometimes people may unintentionally witness what is supposed to be a private moment.


Tracing his steps back to his classroom, Midoriya unknowingly muttered about his classmate's recent hero costume upgrades. As more theories started living in his head rent free, regarding their benefit, he thought it would be best to just ask the few students that remained in the classroom during lunch.

By the time he arrived at his classroom, he spotted only Jirou and Yaoyorozu inside. Upon entering, he noticed the closeness between the two. Jirou sat on Yaoyorozu's desk, leaning towards her, just about to kiss her on the cheek.

A tiny squeak erupted out of Midoriya's throat as he ducked down so his classmates didn't see him through the window. His face was bright pink with his eyes wide open. He quickly decided between making his presence known or quickly walking away. Opting for the latter, he let the girls have their privacy. Midoriya started bowing in apology before leaving the classroom, even if none of the girls saw him.

As he walked away from his classroom, much faster compared to before, he took note to remember to apologize to the both of them in private. If only he remembered to do so.


Sato found out because Jirou wanted to do something for her girlfriend.


"Hey Sato, can I ask for your help with something?" Jirou asked. He was alone in the kitchen, baking some cookies for the class over an upcoming test, and he hadn't really ever talked to Jirou before to know what she wanted.

He simply nodded and watched as Jirou awkwardly explained. "Momo's been stressed lately and I know her quirk is tiring her out with all of the extra training, so I was hoping you could help me bake a cake for her." He immediately agreed to help and the two set up plans to bake a cake after school the next day.

Things were as typical as always when baking something with a person not as experienced. He'd instruct them on what to do and she'd follow every step, whilst asking "is that okay?" way too much. Only did he really find out about their relationship after Jirou went on a mini tangent about her girlfriend pushing herself too hard.

"I just wish she'd let herself take a break," Jirou said. She paused, cracking an egg into the bowl, almost getting an eggshell in.

He wasn't sure if he should comment or respond, but decided it was good to have a conversation with a classmate he didn't talk to as much. "She also helps our classmates with their schoolwork a lot."

"She does!" Jirou groaned. "It's a bad habit of hers and she knows it. I just hope she doesn't feel the need to do everything people ask her to do.”

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