Holiday Drabble

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"I fell in love with you over a thousand moments that could easily light up a rainy day."

As the rain continued to fall, the pattering sound against the windowsill was constant. The eery grey that seemed to absorb every ounce of color from the usually colorful street around the holidays complemented the sound of the rain. Currently, the only source of color that wasn't being heavily dulled by the raging storm clouds was in the comfort of Kyouka's home. The fireplace filled the warm home, engulfing the house in the only bright light to be seen in the dark room. In the comfort of her own home, Kyouka sat across from her girlfriend, who sat in a chair that was closest to the fireplace. Kyouka couldn't help but relish the sight that she'd consider herself lucky for witnessing.

In the best way possible, the yellow light highlighted Momo's features. The way it blended with her black hair, allowing certain strands of hair to give off a golden tone. Like the way, it framed her face delicately, as if Momo, herself was a relic that was to be kept safe. The fire allowed Momo's onyx eyes to sparkle in ways that seemed unimaginable for her dark eyes. It highlighted features like the fire itself was makeup and made certain features seem more pronounced and lively. Whether it was Momo's jawline or soft cheeks that framed her light-skinned face. The fire continued to cascade down Momo's figure, giving a sense of life on the dull rainy day. It highlighted the book Momo was reading, making even the most mundane of things seem a lot more precious.

Kyouka's heart thundered against her chest as her stomach erupted in butterflies, something that was becoming a lot more normal as Kyouka witnessed more aspects of Momo.

Whether it was the way her cheeks pulled into a smile as she laughed, her eyes closing on instinct.

Her comforting voice wrapping Kyouka's heart in a blanket. The way her eyes would tell stories, her lips couldn't as they sparkled in concern or worry, showing every emotion she'd ever try to mask.

The way her button nose would scrunch up whenever she pouted.

Every aspect and every little thing seemed a lot more precious now. Every moment she spent by Momo's side was something she cherished a lot more than the golden years of high school. Even if the moment itself was something she'd witness daily.

The way Momo's arms would wrap around Kyouka's smaller figure from behind. Her chin resting on Kyouka's forehead as she smelt the food Kyouka had been cooking.

To Momo's unwavering excitement as she explained a new tea flavour that had come out. Her eyes sparkling and her voice rushing through each word that'd fall off her tongue, like there was a time limit to how long she'd be able to speak.

Momo's concentration as she signed various papers. Rare glasses perched on her nose that she'd occasionally lift. A lip bite as she found a certain aspect she ended up struggling with.

Momo's child-like smile as she indulged herself in multiple activities she'd missed out on as a kid. Whether it was an extremely long game of Monopoly or a fun board game to pass the time.

Momo's voice as she'd grow tired and a lot more clingy towards Kyouka. Arms wrapped around Kyouka as she mumbled sweet nothings into the side of Kyouka's neck.

The pattering sound as it grew louder seemed to snap Kyouka out of her daydream. Immediately looking back towards the window to see that the rain had gotten stronger. It seemed like the sight was duller than before. The bright red Santa that lay in her neighbor's yard was knocked down. The color didn't seem bright red anymore as the storm clouds made it seem dull. Kyouka could only frown at the sight before turning back to her comforting thoughts about Momo. Yet the moment she looked back at Momo, she didn't expect to make brief eye contact as she graced her with a gentle smile.

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