MomoJirou Shorts 2

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All of these feature gay disaster! Kyouka Jirou. Side appearances of generally confused! Momo Yaoyorozu also included.

"Alright, alright. Jirou it's your turn," Mina said finishing up her dare as she collected her card. Her eyes glancing around the table at the cards each player collected after successfully doing whatever task the card said. "Let's hurry this up, because I forgot to do our homework!"

Jirou rolled her eyes. She picked up a card, immediately groaning as she saw the red background. "Great, it's a dare. When can I get a truth here?"

"Just do the card!" Bakugou complained. "We've been playing this shit for three hours."

"Technically it's only been two," Kirishima replied, to only be glared at by Bakugou.

Jirou rolled her eyes. "Text the last person you kissed," she read aloud. "Why did we play the most childish truth or dare card game of all time?" Despite what she said, the moment the dare fell off her tongue she immediately blushed. Her eyes secretly scanned around the common room, to the kitchen not too far away, making sure Momo wasn't around.

She ignored Denki and Sero's teasing remarks asking if she even had her first kiss yet. Her phone pushed close to her chest as she glanced down, hiding who she was texting from their sight. A simple greeting text of support and a random question sent knowing that Momo was probably still studying.

Sero then took his turn, taking the card and flipping it over. "Oh, it's another dare," he says. "Out of everyone playing, who did you last text and what did the text say?" Sero read aloud.

Before Sero could even answer, let alone check his phone to see the text, Momo exited from the elevator. She entered the common room, waving at her six classmates, before locking eyes with Jirou.

She partly felt bad for interrupting the game. "Kyouka, I got your text," she smiled. "I'll answer it in a bit."

Jirou's eyes widened, a blush appearing on her cheeks as she hoped none of them connected the dots. She could only dumbly nod in response, and awkwardly look at her friends who were all staring at her.

"What the fuck?!" Mina shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at Kyouka. "Uhh, explain?!"

"You two kissed?!" Sero asked, completely ignoring his phone to stare down Jirou.

Denki dramatically grabbed Jirou's shoulder making her look into his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Momo confusedly stared at the group from the corner of her eye, pretending to not have heard anything. She tried to connect the dots on how they could've possibly found out about the two of them.

In a rush of panic she did the only thing she could think of. She pushed Denki off of her, picking up the deck of cards, throwing it all over the place, and ran.

"I fucking knew it!" She could hear Mina shout as Kyouka went towards the stairs, knowing the elevator was too near.

The last thing she heard was Bakugou shouting. "Did you have to fucking throw the cards?!"

Jirou was one second away from committing murder had it not been for the fact Momo was right next to her and there were more important things at hand. A creepy guy that was definitely way too old for a bunch of highschoolers, approached them, and needed to shoot his shot. He did. Terribly.

"Hey beautiful, you single?" He started, making a point to take a step closer and break the distance. "Why don't you and I go out sometime?" He asked leaning forward as he did, not even trying to hide the fact he was blatantly checking her out.

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