Fluff Drabble

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Everyday Greetings

"Good morning Jirou."

It all started with a simple greeting. Jirou wasn't sure when it started or why it started, all she knew was that this girl in her music theory class randomly started greeting her everyday. She didn't mind it, nor did she really care at first, yet over time as the interactions started to grow she was curious.

This time around a greeting didn't come. Jirou didn't particularly mind it and blamed it on the fact the classroom was busy at the time.

Jirou sat by a curb waiting for a ride home as her last class for the day ended. This time around Momo didn't greet her as she managed to finish her work before her. She exited the classroom, picking up a quick snack at a nearby store, and ended up crashing into Denki along the way.

"These uniforms are dumb," Denki started. His grey blazer off and around his shoulders. "I accidentally got a stain on my shirt during lunch."

"Just keep your blazer on and it won't get dirty," Jirou murmured, her eyes keeping track of the cars that pass by.

An audible whine made its way past Denki's lips making Jirou roll her eyes. "I get hot easily! I have to take it off at some point."

Before Jirou could respond she spotted Momo walking towards the main building. The same old ponytail with her uniform as neat as always, a presence that she was getting used to. Just as she was about to say goodbye she didn't expect for their eyes to meet. Jirou's breath got caught in her throat as she seemed to forget how to breathe.

"Goodbye Jirou," Momo waved with the same smile as before. It was nice to watch her face turn to a smile.

Jirou dumbly waved back, offering a lopsided smile of her own. "Bye Yaoyorozu," she said, though Jirou doubted her words reached her ears. As soon as the moment began it ended.

Denki turned towards Jirou, completely forgetting about the short conversation before. He looked in between the two, noticing the small yet wholesome exchange. "Who was that?"

"A girl from my music theory class," Jirou uttered. She leaned back, her arms holding her up as she continued looking ahead, her eyes momentarily catching the back of Momo's figure.

"I'm glad you have a friend in music theory," Denki replied, recalling Jirou's previous issue on knowing absolutely nobody in the class. "And at that a pretty one."

Jirou almost flicked Denki's forehead at that comment. Whether it be the rather lax mood she was in or the calming sunset above them, Jirou let her feelings out. "I don't know why but every single time she says bye to me, there's always this smile on her face." Jirou expressed softly, her fingers fiddling around with her phone. "It's stupid, but it makes my day atleast one percent better."

When a teasing or joking response from Denki never came she almost thought he left. Instead, he settled down next to Jirou on the curb and ruffled her hair. "It's rare to see you admit to that much, but I'm glad," Denki chuckled. "I'm glad she can make your day somewhat better."

"I am too," Jirou smiled with a dopey expression on her face that looked almost silly. "I just hope these greetings continue, because I've never had somebody make sure to say hi to me everyday. It's so little but at the same time it feels like so much."

"Well," Denki started. "How long has she been saying hi to you and stuff?"

Jirou pondered the thought. It was hard to think back. On top of all of her regular classes, it practically just blended in with each other. It's not like any key interactions ever happened between them. They've barely even talked outside of greetings. "I think its been almost a month."

"A month?" Denki repeated. "Talk about dedication. She's more dedicated to say hi to you than I am for school. If that's the case I don't think these weird little greetings ever stop."

"And if it does?" Jirou asked as if it was an impossible question, making a point to ignore Denki's quick joke.

Denki squinted at Jirou, trying to figure her out. "Did that greeting make you okay in the head? Does it make you dumb?" He asked to which Jirou only elbowed his side. "Geez, just say hi to her, I don't see what's wrong with that."

"I guess so," Jirou voiced aloud. "I wonder if she'd care if I started greeting her first."

"Who knows, maybe this greeting can make her day like it makes yours," Denki genuinely spoke, the rare moment being appreciated by Jirou. "Or she thinks you're a total creep and never says hi to you ever again."

"Ow! I'm sorry! Don't hit me!"

"Well, whatever, maybe I'll say hi to her tomorrow. Who knows."

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