Finding Out Oneshot

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Late Announcements

Alt. title: The Story of How U.A. Found Out Momo Yaoyorozu and Kyouka Jirou Were Dating

The class droned on waiting for a lesson that was supposed to start ten minutes prior. With Aizawa waiting for three certain students that were missing, who were supposed to be back just in time for their lesson. It was an unlucky coincidence that the ones handling the announcements that day, just happened to all fall into his class. He simply slept on the floor wrapped in his yellow sleeping bag telling the class to wait for the three stragglers since he simply assumed they'd be back soon. They weren't, which ended up in Iida doing an unnecessarily long speech about time management and studies.

"It is three students," Tokoyami commented, interrupting Iida mid-sentence. "The announcements haven't even started for some reason and they're in another building. We're going to be waiting for forever." He dully said, glancing at the three empty seats nearby.

"Maybe there's something wrong with the equipment," Deku suggested. His eyes momentarily glanced up, looking at the empty seat in front of him that'd usually be filled by a certain angry blonde. He looked back down doing some light rereading on a recent page of his hero analysis notebook.

"Then holy shit, Bakugou must've destroyed the equipment at this point," Sero chuckled. "He's just that mad he got asked to appear on the announcements."

"Why did he get asked to appear anyway?" Hagakure asked, voicing aloud as she turned her invisible figure to Ojiro who simply just shrugged. "Usually it's just Mina doing a segment of the announcements and Jirou helping out with the technical stuff."

"The next sports festival is soon," Momo spoke up, internally noting the paragraph with her finger she stopped at, in the book she was reading. "He won the last one so they probably wanted him to say some words again." Or at least that's what she heard from Kyouka before school.

"Great," Tsuyu sarcastically said. "That definitely went well last year after what he said during the sports festival."

"We need a new speaker, the fact he actually agreed to this scares me." Ochako sighs, laying her head on her desk. "I can't believe I'm complaining, but can't we just start the lesson without them."

A slight ruffling sound could be heard from the front of the class. Slowly Aizawa emerged from the yellow sleeping bag standing lazily in front of his class. "I messaged Hizashi," Aizawa muttered. "He said he'll go check out what's the hold up. It may take a while since they're in another building. The announcements should start eventually, but since they're so late... it's probably best to start the lesson anyway." A yawn slipped past his lips as he pulled out a notebook from the mini storage compartment underneath the podium.

A crackle is heard before the room is filled with a familiar hissing-like sound and some background noise fill the room from the intercom above.

"Wow," Kirishima comments. "Just before our lesson starts."

"Finally," Aizawa groaned, his arms lying lazily on the podium, an evident slouch in his back.

"Oh my god," Bakugou's angry voice fills the room as he almost seemingly barks the words out of pure exasperation.

That was definitely a weird start Momo internally noted, though she wasn't sure what she expected when Katsuki Bakugou, of all people, is asked to appear on the announcements. Momo looked up from her desk in the far back seeing as Aizawa practically put his head down in defeat and groaned.

"Kacchan?!" Midoriya squeaked out.

His loud booming voice fills the room again, continuing on in an angry rant. "It is none of our fucking business who's throat Yaoyorozu decides to shove her tongue down!"

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