Calm After Storm Oneshot

173 10 7

Finally Seeing You

Content warning: violence, major injuries, mentions of blood, mentioned medical malpractice

This is a continuation of the Tending Wounds Oneshot titled "Doing Everything Possible."

Requested by: Pepiwo

Requested by: Pepiwo

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The hospital was always a tense place for the class, whether it be because they were heavily injured themselves, or they were waiting outside a hospital room. It was typical for the class and the types of missions they had to help out in handling. It was only bound to happen that a few of the classmates would be injured. It came with the job and they long had accepted it, but never did it make the whole process easier. Momo had been left the most injured amongst the class, her death, being something that was momentarily very possible. Four of her classmates stood by her hospital room, waiting for some news to arrive. The tense atmosphere surrounding them as they process everything that happened. Silence overtaking them momentarily, as they all just waited with bated breaths for the news. Yet, with the class' close bond with each other over the past few years, wondering what happened was natural.

"What happened to her?" Tsuyu finally spoke aloud. She looked up towards Mina who sat across from her. Denki leaned against the wall as he stood by her side. "Do you guys know?" Her words hung in the air as the three struggled to answer.

Kyouka stayed silent, letting the two speak as she let her thoughts linger. She cringed at the memory, as she looked back, unable to stop the flashbacks that were so clear in her brain. She saw it from afar as she sprinted towards Momo. The sight was covered by the trees, her body blurry, but to her it was as if she could see it as clear as day. She had ignored the pain that followed due to the long day they've had, her legs screaming out for a break.  Her ear jacks stretched out towards her only to be too late.

She couldn't save her. Momo's shout of agony as her body writhed in pain. The blade-like arm of the villain slashing her stomach. The second villain held her like she was a rag doll, throwing her body to the side, her arm breaking as it was twisted to an uncomfortable position. Never would she erase the sight and the sound of her shout from her memory. She'd always remember it all.

Kyouka let out a shaky sigh as she leaned further back against the chair. Her neck hit the back of the cushion as she stared at the ceiling. She could only close her eyes as Denki spoke, continuing on with what he knew, as Kyouka had told him and Mina parts of what she saw.

"The villains were practically torturing her, once they caught her off guard," Denki said, reiterating what Kyouka had told him. His tone dark and filled with venom, yet quiet as if anything louder would be inappropriate. "Mina and I had just finished off our villains, so we didn't get to really see it."

"It was from a distance," Kyouka finally spoke as she failed to meet their gaze. "The villain caught her off guard and purposely ganged up on her. I think they were pissed because she took out some of their friends." She closed her eyes as she gripped the arms of the chair tightly, grounding herself in the current moment. "I just remember running, and shouting for Momo. I don't even remember fighting one of the villains. It's a blur, and all I was thinking about was Momo."

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