Long (one)shot

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"Far From a 'Romeo and Juliet' Love Story, but the Show Must Go On."

Word count: 7.7k (7,741)

It was a shitty play. The audience couldn't be more bored out of their mind and quite frankly, Jirou felt the same. She was at the mini sound booth, on the left side of the stage, hidden behind the curtains. As she worked with Shoji, handling the background music and sound effects. Momo was on stage acting her heart out, even if her posh nature blended in with her character. From the moment they cast her as Juliet, she was embarrassed and pushed herself hard to memorize all of her lines. Albeit it was a simple task, given the fact her quirk relied on her memorization skills. She was already faring better compared to Denki, who played Tybalt and Bakugou, who was forced to play Romeo. Denki had a tendency to mess up his lines, which forced everyone to cover for him. Whereas Bakugou was forced to wear a mask that covered his entire face, since he had a permanent scowl during rehearsals. According to Mina, Bakugou lacked the ability to look in love, so the best option ended up being a cheap mask with holes for the eyes and mouth. That alone made him even more pissed off, on the verge of exploding.

The script for the play, written by Iida, wasn't much different compared to the original. He ditched the confusing Shakespeare language for a more modern take. The coherent lines weren't enough for the audience since most of them looked like they wanted to fall asleep. So far, three families left the play out of boredom. The most entertaining parts ended up being with Kirishima, who played Benvolio, as his dynamic with Denki was nice to watch. Sadly, they were only supporting characters. With that went any attempt at another fun year for the cultural festival.

"Who's the beautiful lady holding the man's hand?" Bakugou grunted.

At least he seemed jealous that time rather than threatening.

"I don't know, sir." Ojiro said. Another person amongst the class who ended up playing multiple people in the background.

"Oh, for her beauty is like a torch as she helps light up the room." Bakugou declared. He seemed angry at her beauty rather than amazed.

Bakugou and Momo's dynamic looked terrible on stage. Momo ended up looking like a girl desperate for a guy, whereas Bakugou's line delivery was a threat every time. Todoroki was supposed to be Romeo but his quiet voice and far worse acting skills would only ruin the play. Bakugou ended up being the best option, since he was a similar height to Momo. The rest of the guys either looked bizzare on stage or were so short compared to Momo. In the end, it'd seem like Juliet was towering over them.

From afar, Jirou could hear the conversation going on from the other side of the stage, over the boring conversation Bakugou and Momo were having. It seemed like Mina was getting on Iida's nerves for the thousandth time that day.

"Ashido, please!" Iida sighed in a whisper. "You cannot put jewels on Aoyama's costume."

"I don't see why not," Mina said. "He wants it, and the stage needs something sparkly, anyway."

"It does not," Iida insisted. "He'll stand out if all the audience sees are bright jewels reflecting off Aoyama's cape."

"He's a background character. People won't be paying attention to him."

"They will be forced to pay attention to him if his costume is the only one different from the rest."

"Then what if I add glitter to Yaomomo's dress and some gems to Bakugou's mask?"

"That will be worst!"

Jirou was positive the stage lights would end up reflecting off anything sparkling and blind the audience. The play continued on and Todoroki's lines as Lord Montague were delivered terribly, where even Ochako, who played his wife, wasn't doing much better either. Lord and Lady Capulet played by Sero and Tsuyu ended up as a much better pair since the both of them didn't struggle with their lines. Though Sero could lose some enthusiasm whenever he popped up on stage.

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