Chapter 1

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Julius's POV

"The meeting is by 5pm tomorrow
Better get those files on my table by tomorrow morning"

I was getting angry at this point .
Aldonis has been acting up lately.

Yes he is one of my strongest men and most loyal,heck he is even my right hand but this incompetence will cost us alot if it continues.
Despite being his brother I am also his boss so calling him out on things like this is only right.

"Okay boss"

I let out a frustrated sigh, hanging up and sinking back into my seat.

"Remember the dinner Julius"
Dad's calm,deep voice came from beside me and I rolled my eyes at his tone.
It was like that of a parent reminding his kid to brush his teeth

"Father I can't cancel the meeting
I'll loose millions"
This wasn't something I was going to discuss .

We had this conversation three days ago when I received this partnership proposal and it just so happened to be on the same day as the dinner with Mr Vladislav and his family. Great!

"You can't miss this dinner either Julius"

Knowing fully well my father's intense stare was aimed at me I did not make the mistake of looking at him but instead I paid half attention to the emails I had opened on my phone.

I can't loose millions over a dinner with people I know nothing about "
I spoke calmly.
No matter how angry or upset I got I would never make the mistake of raising my voice to my father. I knew better.

Have old ties with them Julius.
We agreed that when you were older we'd form a real bond"

His last words caught my attention and was enough for me to raise my head from my phone screen and look at him.

"They helped your mother and I during an attack and ever since then we kept in contact.
So dinner is the least we can do"

I groaned knowing well that this conversation was preety much over at this point.
Knowing father felt like he owed them, nothing was going to change his mind or make him think otherwise.

I called out to the other end of the phone once my assistant had picked.

"Yes boss"

"Cancel all my evening appointments for tomorrow"
I spoke in a low tone. Agitated

"Even the meeting with the potential partners?"


"Okay boss"

I put down the phone and looked out the window and unto the streets as the street lights illuminated the dark paths as we drove home.

I put down the phone and looked out the window and unto the streets as the street lights illuminated the dark paths as we drove home

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I sighed.
This dinner better be worth it.
Suprisenly I didn't feel like someone would have, haven lost a million dollar contract. I felt something was going to happen tomorrow.

I just had to wait.

First chapter done!!
Hope you liked it??


What do you think is going to happen at the dinner tomorrow??
Let me know your suggestions in the comments 💜

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