Chapter 11

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  Vera's POV

I couldn't get over what happened yesterday no matter how much I tried to.
It was the weekend and I dreded the fact that I was going to see Julius's face more often for the next two days.

Like most mornings I spent an hour in the shower,two with Mrs Juli in the kitchen while another one was spent with Selina at breakfast.
I was pretty much done with my morning routine so I went to the library to finish my reading .

I was anticipating Mrs Chrysantos's arrival and I didn't want to miss her when she came.
I wondered if Julius behaved any differently towards his mother. No one would be that rude towards his own mother.


Three hours into my reading
I heard the doors of the library being opened and closed.
I looked up from my book to see Julius standing in front of me looking down at what I was reading. This was the first time I had seen him in something other than his tailored Armani suit. He had on a white round neck with black sweat pants and I had to admit they looked good on him.

"Oh great
There goes my peaceful morning"
I looked back to my book ignoring him.

Julius's POV

Hearing mother and father were coming I panicked.
Mum wasn't there at my engagement and last I spoke to her she was ecstatic to hear I was getting married. She had always expressed how much she wanted me to find a nice girl, fall in love and settle down and on seeing Vera's picture mother instantly fell for her. Heaven only knew what charms that girl had.

If she found out the way I had been treating Vera I would lose face in front of my mother and I know she would never forgive me. So I needed to pretend in front of my mother and father.

I was brainstorming ideas with Aldonis in my study when he snapped his fingers, drawing my attention.
"Why don't you and Vera pretend to be a loving couple?"

I saw reason in what he said but I needed Vera to play along and I doubt she would agree but I had to take the risk so here I was just staring at her as she read. I was so bad at this. I needed to get her attention so I snatched her book from her and held it behind me

Immediately I did her head shot up and she looked at me furiously

"Give me my book back Julius"
She got on her feet and tried taking the book from me but I used my height to my advantage holding the book above my head, I watched her try to jump to reach it.
She did that for a while before she finally stopped folding her hands against her chest she glared at me. To be honest her angry face was horrible, it just made her look like a doll .

"Calm down doll and hear me out "
I was getting tired.
The last thing I wanted was to stand here and watch her try to be scary when she looked like red from Angry Birds without the eyebrows.

"That's not happening"
To my shock she started walking away.
I reached and grabbed her wrist pulling her to me and caging her against my body. She was really feisty
For some odd reason I had this weird satisfaction from having her close to me and watching her try and fail to get out of my grip.

"You won't force me to listen to you.
Now let me go"
She was really trying but still failed.

We can do this the easy way or my way whichever you decide"

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