Chapter 14

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Vera's POV

I just had a little talk with mother.
I was in my room trying you save as many numbers as I could remember when she walked in.
It was too late to hide the phone so I panicked and just held it in my hands looking like a kid who just got caught stealing from the cookie jar.

Vera relax. I won't kill you for having a phone"
She sat down on my bed and I let out a little laugh

"I know.
I've just not had the chance to talk to my parents or anyone and since I'm not allowed to leave seeing them wasn't an option.
Julius said I was in some kind of danger" I rolled my eyes and I heard her laugh. i just stared at her.

"I'm sorry Vera.
You married into a mafia family and now ur the wife of the now mafia don meaning your life would be in constant danger"
I had my suspicions there were in the mafia ever since the day dad told me they could ruin him. The luxurious mansion added to my suspicions but she just confirmed it.

"It's okay mother.
It's all worth it "
I still had to make it seem like Julius and I were happily in love when the opposite was actually the case.
I didn't hate him per say
I just despised the way he treated people especially me. It seemed he behaves worse towards me.

"I'm sure if you talked to Julius he would take you out himself.
You would be much safer with him than with any other guard that I can assure you"
       My mind drifted to the time I saw him shirtless but I shook the thoughts away as soon as they came.
I couldn't afford to have myself catching feelings.

                And now I was here.
We pulled up to a club and I looked outside the window to see lights coming from inside as I could hear the music from here.
Julius had gotten out of the car and I was about to open the door when it suddenly opened and I fell out landing on him.
When our eyes met I pushed myself off him and dusted my dress.
He did the same but didn't walk away like I expected him to.
Instead he placed a hand at my side and pulled me close so his lips were grazing my ear.

With my heels I was reaching his jaw so he didn't really have to bend.

I looked away and we walked inside.
The loud music made me anxious and the dark atmosphere wasn't helping matters.
He led us over to a group of men who were in similar suits but they didn't look as expensive as Julius's.

"Gentlemen" he brought all their attention to himself. The way they had stopped whatever they were talking about and paid attention to him surprised me.

They were talking about some mafia stuff and I stood there looking like a lost puppy
I still hadn't come to terms with the fact that my life was now constantly in danger because I was married to the mafia don. I don't think anyone could.

"And who is this little piece of candy that's been standing here ?"
A man spoke up causing everyone to look at me and I just stared at my own two feet.

"She's not important"
I looked at Julius with wide eyes.

"So I can go show her some moves on the dance floor?"

I kept looking at Julius for him to say something but he didn't.
Before I knew it the man had whisked me away unto the dance floor.
He kept touching me inapprioprately as we in quotes "danced".
  He kept making advances at me which i turned down.

"Get your hands off me"
He continued trying to kiss me with each passing moment as I struggled in vein.
The smell of alcohol filled my nostrils as he drank whole dancing.

I felt so violated with each hand he laid on me
I silently tried to call someone attention to see what was happening but everyone was too busy minding their drinks to care and my eyes fell on Julius who was suprisenly watching me as he drank and it made my blood boil.
What kind of satisfaction did he get from seeing me being humiliated.

I tried pushing the man off me but he was too strong.
When I felt him kiss my collar bone I snapped pushing him away I slapped him accross the face.

His face turned livid as he got back to his feet and slapped me hard and i fell to the ground in tears.
I cried I didn't care that the music had stopped playing and everyone was watching the scene with a bottle of whiskey in his hand.
He lunged towards me and pulled me up by my arms shaking me as he shouted

"Who the fuck do you think you are to slap me woman!!"

My resolve broke the more and i became a mess.
I was sobbing uncontrollably as someone form behind me came and pulled me into their chest.

Don't cry princess"
I didn't care who it was i just clung to the person and cried .

"Vera are you okay?"
I heard Aldonis from behind me and the familiar scent of cinamon and burning wood filled my nostrils as i knew exactly whose arms i was in and i melted all the more into Luios's arms.

I heard a bullet being fired before I felt myself being lifted off the ground and carried into a car in the hands i felt safe. The hands of my confidant as I let darkness over come me.

Hey nuelllites ❤️
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