Chapter 42

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This is the continuation from Chapter 41

Enjoy! ♡


Vera's POV

Julius wasn't joking when he said we were going to play baseball.

After taking a shower together we slipped into polo shirts and jeans.
I threw my hair into a high ponytail and slapped on a face cap.

When we came down the whole family was already in the garden.

It wasn't like any professional game.
It consisted of two positions

One for the server
And the other the hitter or I think that was what it was called

There were four teams.
One with Julius and I
One with mother and Aunt Patricia and Uncle Richard
Another with mother and Aunt Janice and the last with Denzell and Uzzaih.

I was so scared.
I had never played baseball in my life and here I was standing with the bat in my hand.
It didn't help matters that my palms were sweaty.

Denzell stood few feets away from me and I took in a deep breath as he served.

I swung the bat with my eyes shut and I missed.
I looked down as tears threatened to fall.

"Come on Vera! "

Mother shouted from under one of the canopies.

"Don't be so competitive mother"

Julius came behind me.
His front to my back as he held my hand together with the bat.
His warm breath was tickling my neck and it gave me goosebumps

"Just focus doll"

"How am i supposed to focus when you're so close to me? "

He just chuckled.
"That's the point"

I took in a deep breath trying to concentrate on anything other than his body behind me

Denzell served and I shut my eyes tight ready for the ball to smack me in the face.
I heard a whacking sound and I opened my eyes to see Julius had hit the ball away .

Everyone cheered while Aunt Patricia said he cheated

"See it's not so hard doll"

He traced his fingers up and down my arm carressing my skin as it burnt under his touch.
He placed kisses on my neck and I forgot we were outside as I threw my head back in pleasure

"Get a room you two! "
Uncle Richard shouted and my eyes snapped open.

Everyone was laughing as my cheeks burnt with embarrassement.
I felt like running so I did.

I ran without looking back and I only stopped when I got into the kitchen.

I rushed over to the sink.
Turning on the tap I splashed water unto my face trying to calm my nerves.
I walked over to the fridge. Taking out a bottle of water I downed it in one go and I finally got my heart rate back to normal but my cheeks were still burning.

I felt someone's presence behind me and I smiled knowing it was Julius.
I turned and all the blood drained from my face when I saw who it was.

Before I could register what was happening something was sprayed on my face.
Immediately I inhaled I started feeling dizzy and I fell to the ground, knocking down a glass vase containing fruits, the pieces shattered beside where I laid.

Black dots clouded my vision .
My eyes succomed to the weight and darkness over came me


Hey nuelllites ♡

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