Chapter 4

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Thank you guys for 30 votes!!!
That's huge❤️
Love you guys and like I said the chapters have been unlocked

Here is Chapter 4


Vera's POV

I stared into a pair of grey eyes wondering who this stranger was. I could sense he was no ordinary man for the tailored Armani suit he wore spelled wealth, his stature and body language all screamed power,   dominance and affluence. He was standing so close to me his breath was fanning my face. He was rather tall,I was short in comparison as I was only at his shoulder level. I opened my mouth to speak when light came from behind him.

"Oh good
Vera your back. Come in dear"
Mum came to us and pulled us both into the house by our arms as we exchanged glances. I was met with deep voices booming from the living room and hearty chuckles bouncing off the walls.Dad was sitted on one of the living room sofas and a more advanced man sat opposite Dad and...Nina!

I couldn't believe my eyes.
Nina was alright
But she was sick just this morning.
I was beyond confused.
The strange man had grey hairs on his beard and in his neatly combed back hair.I could feel the power radiating off the two strange men in the room.

"Oh Vera
You know iv been waiting for you"
The advanced man's voice brought everyone to acknowledge my presence.

He took composed strides towards me and for some reason I felt intimidated by his deamenor.

"Bellissima" (beautiful)
His Italian was incredible
Better than my teacher's in school.

He took my hand and placed a kiss at the tip of my knuckles which made my cheeks hot.

"I'm Zeus
Zeus Chrysantos.
It's lovely to meet you Vera"
He let go of my hand and I was left a bundle of nerves realising everyone's attention was on me.

"It's n-nice to meet you too,sir"
I just had to stutter.
I faced palmed mentally.

"Now the purpose for this dinner can actually be fulfilled".
He turned to mum and dad, they had the biggest smiles on their faces which only added to my confusion.

You know I always liked your daughter Vera.
I would be most honoured to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage for my dear son Julius"
He gestured towards the stranger I ran into outside.I hadn't quite processed what he had just said but when it hit it was like a thousand books fell on me.

"It would be our honour to accept
Old friend"
Dad responded without delay like it was something they had rehearsed .

Dad and Sir Zeus hugged and mum joined in.I was still in shock as I looked around and my eyes fell on Nina. All the colour in her face had drained and it was left pale. Before I could blink and open my eyes she dashed up the stairs and disappeared from my view. I was about going after her when mum thugged at my hand, pulling me beside the stranger who I now knew was Julius.

I looked up at him to see his gaze fixed on his dad and my parents' exchange.
Reality hadn't hit me yet. That I was getting married to a complete stranger and out of nowhere.

"Thank you for this good news Zeus" my dad's voice got my attention

"Thank you for hosting us
We will see you in the next three days for the engagement "
That was enough. Reality just slapped me in the face, that my parents just arranged my freaking marriage in my face and I couldn't do anything about it .
And now my engagement is fixed!
On the same day as my birthday!!
I wanted to scream.
Why wasn't I told about all this!
And why did Nina react like that!
Most importantly I thought she was sick!

Nothing made sense!

I was too deep in thought to realise they had left, I was momentarily alone with mum and dad. The smiles on their faces made my blood boil and heat to rise in my cheeks out of anger. Mum came up to me with the warmest smile and pulled me into a hug.
"My baby girl will be getting engaged on her 22nd birthday.
How great is that.You know I got engaged to your father on my 22nd birthday too.It was a common occurrence in our family that the daughters got married on or after their 22nd birthday" she said caressing my cheek.

"Mum no!"
Was all I could say as I pulled back.
"You just got my marriage and engagement fixed without asking me!?"

I was shaking.
"No honey"
She looked worried and tried coming closer to cup my face but I stepped away

"No mum.
How could you two decide this all by yourselves"
Tears were stinging at my eyes.

"Vera sweety try understand.
Julius is a good boy
We've known him since he was in diapers and he'll make you happy.
You never mentioned wanting to marry anyone, did you?"
Dad pointed out, stressing the last part.

But doesn't mean I'll marry someone I don't know and my engagement has even been fixed in three days time"
I pointed out the obvious hoping they could see my point of view.

You two can meet.
I'll set up a date for tomorrow for you two to get to know each other. Done"
I wanted to scream.

"Dad i-"

" Please Vera.
If you don't agree then Mr Chrysantos would feel very insulted and possibly ruin me"
Dad interrupted, and my eyes went wide.

"R-ruin you?"

He has the power to" dad stopped and I got the feeling there was something he wasn't telling me.
"Please Vera
Give this a chance"

I sighed lightly and nodded pulling a forced smile and they seemed delighted and they both embraced me.i was willing to do this. It may not be as bad as I think.
I trusted my parents.

Hope you liked this long chapter

What do you think is going to happen next?

Will Vera go ahead with this?


I'd love to know in the comments 💜

Love y'all
Please don't forget to comment and vote! ^^


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