Chapter 15

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Vera's POV

I would never forget that Julius just watched as I got violated the way I did.
I was so thankful to Aldonis and Luios that they came at the right time or else I don't know what would have happened.

I didn't fail to thank Aldonis when I was stable enough to talk.
Sadly I wasn't able to talk to Luios.
He had left me with only a letter which I kept close to me the past two weeks.
I never wanted to see Julius's face ever again and it wasn't all that hard seeing as nowadays he leaves early and comes back late.

It wasn't hard to stay away and not raise suspicion from mother and father before they left.
They still think their son is a real gentle man and a loving husband whereas the opposite is the case.

When I came back on waking up I was a mess
I was crying and ripping off my clothes. I even fainted in the shower trying to get the feel of his hands off me.
I was down with a fever for a week after mother and father left.

All through that time Selina and Mrs Juli never failed to come and see me and I was thankful to them.
I don't know what hurt the most
The fact that I actually expected more from Julius or the fact that he proved he was nothing more than a rude and arrogant billionaire as well as a horrible husband.

My routine had become more monotonous.
I stayed up in my room watching YouTube on my phone or on the laptop Luios sent for me to be video chatting with him then I come down 30 minutes after I was certain Julius had left to spend the next 11 hours with Selina and in the library .
I actually started learning how to cook from Mrs Juli.
I'v been learning how to cook from basic meals to meals from different countries.
I was hoping to put my skills into practice and make Luios's favourite meal when he came over.

I invited him despite knowing Julius won't support it .
I didn't give a damn really.
I was going to invite him and hour or two after Julius leaves and he'll leave 4 hours before Julius comes back.

I personally asked Mrs Juli to teach me how to make his favourite meal Pork Braciola. He always loved Italian meals. It was more of an appreciative meal to thank him for being there and we had alot of things to catch up on.

Mrs Juli had given me all the things I needed and left so I had the kitchen all to myself and I started my work.
I had gotten ear pods for myself so I put them in with my new playlist and started making the meal.

Julius's POV

Work has been annoying and stressful lately .
I spent less and less time at home and more at work.
To make matters worse our goods were stopped at the borders and I had to deal with that since no one was competent enough.
I had just been highly irritated recently and I had no idea why.
Ever since that party I have no idea what has gotten over me.
I could hardly get over the sight. Seeing Vera cry the way she did had done things to me. It messed me up and I hated it. I was regretting letting Dick have that dance with her but I didn't know why.
I wanted her as well as everyone to know she meant nothing to me but I was actually trying to prove that to myself more than anyone else. But when I saw him abusing her I lost it and shot him in the knee but I couldn't face Vera at that moment. I was the cause of everything, her tears. But I just had to keep myself at work and not bother about any other irrelevant things at least that is what I tried to do but failed miserably.

"Boss are you listening"
I was brought out of my daze by Aldonis as it was clear he had been trying to get my attention for a number of times now but failed

"Yes. I'm listening"
It was then I realised he was explaining the new format for our next goods transport.
I just couldn't pay attention. Something was distracting me and maybe I knew but didn't know at the same time. All this was giving me a head ache.
I ran my hands down my face frustrated .

"Boss your distracted"
He pointed out the obvious

I didn't know" I rolled my eyes at him

"Could this be because of Ver-"

"Don't you dare!"
I snapped at him cutting him short
"Why would I be distracted by her.
She isn't even that attractive"
Okay yes she was attractive and I admittedly found myself staring at her

"With all due respect boss.
She is quite beautiful and attractive"
My blood boiled and I balled my hands into fists raged.
I hated hearing someone else call her beautiful only I could, even if I never admitted it .

"Sorry boss.
But I think it's because you haven't seen her for a while now"

"For two weeks but that doesn't mean she is the problem"
I tried to make Aldonis stop .
He wasn't making sense

So you have been counting.
But it's clear she is staying away from you"
He was right.
There was no way I couldn't have ran into her the number of times I went to the library where she always was.

"If she is running then I'll catch her today.
Push the rest of my appointments to tommorow and any important files i need to review send them home"
I instructed Aldonis as I stood up picking my suit jacket I walked out of my office and got into the elevator with Aldonis

"Okay boss"
He answered after a while of speaking into his ear piece.

"I'm going to give her a little surprise"
I was hoping to catch her and see how she would run or hide now.

Hey nuelllites ❤️
Hope you liked this chapter

(^^) pls don't forget to comment and vote ❤️


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