Chapter 16

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Julius's POV

Immediately I got home I dropped my suit jacket and walked to the kitchen, what I saw stopped me at my tracks and I just stared at the scene in front of me.

Vera was dancing as she mixed a bowl of sauce and poured it into the pot on the gas.
I was getting fucking aroused with the way she swayed her hips and I was confused
just when I came closer behind I could see she had ear pods in her ears and I just stood behind her watching

She turned and bumped into me leaning against the marbled table to avoid touching me as she looked at me wide eyed. I was towering over her as we stood close to each other I could clearly see the fear in her eyes and it wasn't as satisfying as I thought it would have been.

Vera's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes, Julius was standing right in front of me staring down at me.
I didn't know what to do. I just stared at him.
He wasn't supposed to be home for another 9 hours so why the fuck was he here.
The smug smile he had on his face as his eyes searched mine made my stomach churn

Your making lunch for your husband, that's cute doll but you won't win my love by just by cooking for me"
He leaned down to my ear and pulled back with a smile.

"This isn't for you
Don't flatter yourself.
I won't go out of my way to ever please you
You don't deserve it"

Julius's POV

Her words stung like poison and my blood boiled thinking that Vera had gone out of her way to cook for someone else
Just then my phone rang.

Luios is here"

My face fell and I dropped the phone down.
My blood was boiling as my chest rose and fell.
I clenched my fists

"You had the guts to invite that Luios to my house!!"
She visibly shook but I was too angry to bother.

She had no right to cook for Luios. No right!
I didn't think before pushing her aside and hitting down the pot.  Spilling the contents unto the ground and a portion of the hot sauce touched my hand and I grimaced in pain

Vera's POV

I watched his outburst in pure shock.
My hard work was spilled all over the floor and I just stared at it as my heart beat increased.
My gaze fell on Julius's hand as it had sauce on it and  was shaking .

I rushed to him and took his hand in mine examining it.
He snatched his hand away form mine like I was burning him but I took it back and led him to the sink.
Putting the tap on I placed his hand under so the cool water could help his burn.
He tried removing his hand.

"Stop resisting .
If I don't take care of the burn it will get worse now stay!"
He stopped resisting and i noticed him watching me

"Stop staring at me"
But he didn't stop.
I just continued what I was doing.
I left his hand

"Keep it there.
I'll be back"
I rushed out and got ointment and came back to apply it on his burn.

When I was done he just walked out of the kitchen quietly and I was left still shocked but more confused

I looked at my sauce spilled on the floor and sighed.
There was still some left in the pot as I thought of trying to manage it but there was no use.
I was sure Julius had already sent Luios away.
All my hard work for nothing

I decided to finish the meal so Selina and I could enjoy my first hand made meal. I walked out the dining and into the living room to see Luios sitting on a sofa talking to Selina.

"I'll inform Madame you're-"
Their attention was now on me as Selina left us.
I saw as Luios stood and I ran to hug him as he met me half way.
He spun me around in his arms and for the first time in a while I laughed.

"Put me down Luios"
I said amidst giggles and he put me down

"How are you princess?"

"I'm good"

"I'm sorry.
I wasn't able to see you after that party"
He was really so sweet.

"It's okay.
Now come on.
I made the favourite"
I pulled him towards the dining

"Pork Braciola?"
He gasped

"You know it"

I served him and we sat in the dining eating

"This is delicious princess.
I never knew you could cook and now your just as good as a celebrity chef.
The last time you cooked you almost burnt down the whole house"
He teased and I smacked his hand.

"Speaking of home how is everyone.
I haven't seen mother , father nor Nina in a long time"
His face fell all of a sudden and I gave me cause for concern.

"Is everything okay Luios?"
It seemed like I just brought him out of a trance as he shook his head vigorously

"Yes Vera
Everything is fine infact why don't you pay then a visit with Julius.
I'm sure they'll love it "
I looked away.
I wasn't going to lie to Luios. He wasn't fully aware of the circumstances surrounding out marriage but he knew it wasn't as perfect as everyone thought.

"That would be a bad idea.
He really isn't that good with.. people"

"But he wasn't rude to me "
I looked up at Luios uncertain if I heard him well


He told me to wait for you in the living room. I was surprised too"

I stared down at my plate bewildered.
He always found a way to confuse me and this time my confusion was so bad I just stopped talking to think of a reason as to why Julius just changed out of the blue. I wasn't complaining but it was so unusual.
I didn't know what to expect next

Heyy nuelllites ❤️

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