Chapter 13

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Vera's POV

I sat in bed reading away. I was going to avoid the library ,after what happened the last time I was there I had started taking books to my room to read instead of going to the library.

A knock came three times on my door and I looked away from my book

"Come in"

Aldonis walked in with something in a little shopping bag
he came over and took his normal position on my bed .

"Guess what I got?"

He waved the bag in my face and I snatched it before he could pull it back.
I opened it and was shocked to see the latest iPhone in it's pack.
I stared from the phone to Aldonis with my eyes wide

"Thank you!"
I squealed and jumped on him.

"Okay okay
My back"

I practically straddled him as he sat up with me in his arms.
My room door opened and I turned to see Julius.
His eyes narrowed when he saw the position we were in.
I rolled off Aldonis and resumed my original position.

"Don't let me stop your little affair now.
Mother is calling"

There was something I couldn't quite read on his face but I shrugged it off. Pushing myself off the bed I hid my phone under the covers and walked past Julius out of the room.
I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of getting a reply from me.
He walked out behind me and all of a sudden I was being pushed against the wall.
He was too tall and I stepped back to see him but I hit the wall and he pressed his body against mine trapping me.

I avoided eye contact with him as much as I could but it was difficult with his face only inches away

So now your new game is to play with Aldonis"
I looked up at him with pure anger.
What did he think I was
A prostitute!?

"I don't have to answer to you" I tried pushing my way past him but he pushed me back.

"Stay away from Aldonis"
He said staring straight into my eyes

"And if I don't?"

I was tired of being weak and letting him intimidate me. I stared back straight into his eyes and I didn't faze when he clenched his jaw.

"Oh am sorry
madam and Sir are calling you both to the living room"
I heard Selina from behind us.
She must have thought something was going on as she looked the other way when she spoke. She didn't wait for a reply but scurried off.

I pushed him away and went down stairs.
Immediately the living room was in view I could see a man dressed in a black and white suit with documents in his hands as mother and father stood around the table he laid them on.

I walked over to mother and she smiled at me.

Julius came down and stood in front of the papers we
were both meant to sign.
Julius was given the pen first and he signed two different documents one was definitely for our marriage while the other I had no idea.
It was my turn and once i picked the pen it was like I was holding a brick.
It seemed so heavy as I stared at the place where my signature was supposed to be.
I felt a hand on my shoulder

The Mafia Don Wants Me {Not Edited}Where stories live. Discover now