lemonade mouth - t.h. ;)

619 4 0

i'm back bitches
smut ;)

his point of view

"you ready?" i said to y/n as i saw her come out of her room dressed to go to the market. i mean nothing fancy but damn. i would smash- what? no.

"yeah i think just lemme grab my wallet" she said about to search before i stopped her.

"no it's my turn to pay you payed last" i say laughing.

"no it's not it's actually haz's"

ah yes how could i forget our other roommate and y/ns twin brother, harrison.

"oh yeah, HAZ GET UR ASS DOWN HERE" you yelled as you heard harrison's door opening.

"what the fuck do you want" he said clearly just having woken up.

"wallet ur turn to pay" i said just keeping it short.

he was standing on the balcony of the top floor and went into his room just to chuck the wallet out his door, over the balcony and to tom before closing it and going back to bed.

"he's oh so happy" y/n said with a chuckle, "ready?"


time skip cuz i'm lazy

y/ns pov

we got back from the store and out everything away quickly before tom decided he wanted tea.


"in good i want to try that drink i got," i said as i looked at the label of the bottle in front of me. it's a raspberry spiked lemonade with a twist of orange. it looked really good and considering it's 8:30 it's not too early to drink it.

"ok you guys have been banned from the house in the next 10 minutes. i got a girl comin' over" haz said as he walked to the fridge to grab ingredients to start cooking something that she couldn't tell.

"what if we just go to our rooms? cuz i don't wanna leave the house." tom said as the kettle started screaming meaning it's ready.

"yeah i'm too lazy to leave" you chimed in.

"that's fine but go now she could be here any minute. we're having dinner here and then going to a movie then if it goes well her house. i won't bring her here because i'm kind." haz smirked

"ah so considerate of you, thank you" you said standing to walk to toms room. you have nothing to do in yours so might as well go there.

"k byeeeee" haz yelled as tom followed me into the room.


"yeah" you replied flopping onto his bed.

as he went to turn on the movie his mug of tea skipped from his hand and covered him.

"shit!" he said as his tea was still seaming hot. he took off his shirt as fast as he could. wow he's hot- I MEAN UH NOTHING.

"ha L" you said

tom was still making sure his stomach wasn't burnt when you settled on a movie. lemonade mouth. fitting for right now just because of the name and your drink.

as the movie started you and tom sat on his bed the tiny bit of tea in his mug in his hands and the lemonade in hers.

he finished his tea in one drink because there was so little leaving him with noting to drink the rest of the time.

y/n was starting to feel the affects of the lemonade being spiked after downing most of the bottle.

and y/n being tipsy made tom look incredibly hot. totally just the alcohol so when he asked to try her drink it got weird.

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