spiderman - p.p.

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see i'm doing someone else instead of tom lol

this one's also gonna be majority peters pov

pre-no way home

enjoy :)

peters pov

"heya pete" i herd her sweet voice say to me. y/n. my bestfriend that i wish was more, but that'll never happen cuz she doesn't like me. right?

"hey y/n" i said to her as i turned away from standing with my face in my locker looking for the piece of paper i needed to bring to may.

"whatcha doin after school?" she questioned.

"i have to do some stuff for may and then homework"

"want some help?"

the truth is i'm going spidermanning instantly after school. may knows now so i told her on days i don't have work that i'm going to go spidermaning.

"sorry but not really, it's just moving some light things that'll only take a little bit of time"

"ok seeya!" she yelled back at me, already half way out of school.

"bye!" i called back, time to go help some people.

y/ns pov

"ok seeya!" i yelled to my bestfriend that i totally wasn't in love with.

"bye!" he yelled back. i knew he wasn't helping may. i accidentally found out he was spiderman but he doesn't know. i was sitting outside his room waiting to go in and his door was cracked open and the second i glanced in i saw spiderman crawl in through his window. and then he took off the mask. but i get why he never told me i mean he's just trying to keep me safe so it's ok. time to walk home.

time skip cuz i'm lazy

it's 6:45 and i decide ima surprise peter cuz i know he has to be home by 7 and may loves when i come over and tells me i can come over to just hang out with her, which i do weirdly often.

i was walking the 7 blocks to peters apartment and i was almost there when i got pulled into a dark alley only a block away from his home.

"this is gonna be fun" the man said with a smirk touching me all over.

"you found a good one" said the other man also smirking.

they looked like they didn't know what hygiene was because they probably don't, but i was scared shitless still.

they grabbed me and i screamed.

"shut ur mouth pretty girl" the first man said before tugging my shirt off.

peters pov

i was swinging home thinking about what i had done today, i stopped 3 robberies, saved a little girl from being kidnapped, and helped an old lady cross the street, she gave me a cookie, best cookie i have ever had. it had started to rain about 5 minutes ago and everything was pretty wet.

i was almost home, about a block away, when i herd a scream. may won't mind. i swing over to the alley as fast as i can. before i drop down i look and see a girl and two guys trying to get her clothes off. enough for me.

"hey man i don't think she wants that" i said as i dropped down in behind them. they turned around and by the time i got there her shirt was off and her jeans were unbuttoned and she was crying. but her head was down so i still don't know who it is. probably a stranger.

the two men pulled out guns and started shooting at me.

"come on guys guns really" i said before webbing them out of their hands. i put the safety on and webbed the guns against the wall.

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