redo - t.h. ;)

441 3 7

what up dudes im back for my monthly/bi-monthly visit :)

smut ;3

"no no no that's not how this is going to work no i'm not doing this again!" tom exclaims as i decide my best choice right now is to flop onto his bed. tom and i have lived together for a couple years now considering we have been best friends since we were babies. his bed was always more comfortable than mine so after all the shit i had to deal with at work today that's the only place i wanna be.

"but work sucked, and your bed is so much better than mine" you say muffled as you shove your face further into the fabric that smelled of his aftershave and cologne. that smell could calm you from anything that had happened just because.... you don't really know. it just does.

"y/n i bought your bed, we have the same exact bed. now at least scoot over so i can lay on the bed cuz your starfishing" he says with a chuckle. you roll onto you back and wait for him to take the empty space next to you. after he laid down you immediately rolled back to how you were before just partially on tom.

he was too lazy to say anything either because he had a frustrating day on set and y/n's scent calmed him like his does for her. so he just slid his arm under the girl next to him and brought her closer to him. she turned her head and shoved it into toms side to get more of the scent she loved. she could live off that scent. weird right? pshhhhh nawhhhhhhhh. no.

"what do you want to do tonight" she mumbled into his side after laying there for about 10 mins of complete silence.

"we could get drunk"


time skip cuz ya girl lazy as fuck

after awhile we got up and went to the store to get two 6 packs of beer. tonight should be fun. you loved when you and tom would drink but it would just be the two of you. of course when you were with harrison it was fun there was just something about you and tom that was different.

it was 10 o'clock by the time you got settled in the living room with your drinks. you put on the office in the background so that way if you got bored of talking (like that happens) then you could watch that. and it always got really quiet around the apartment even if you were talking.

"cheers" tom said as he put your beer bottle against the edge of the table and hit it, causing the top to pop off. i'm not sure how he does that but its hot. i mean cool. cool. coooool. just cool.

he took the top off of his and you clinked them together. you and tom had a certain way of drinking. you both agree that conversation is much more fun when your drunk. not that you guys don't love talking to each other regularly just being drunk is more fun. so you started out and you drink your first beer within 7-10 minutes. you guys don't exactly count but you drink them just about as fast as you can, pacing yourself a little. once that one is done then you drink at a normal rate just cuz why not.

"so you and daya have been getting close lately" you say with a smirk.

"yeah but not close in the way you're thinking" he says mater-of-a-factly.

"how so"

"you know she has a thing for haz right? i think shes getting closer to me to get to haz. i don't mind though because they would make a cute couple" he said taking a sip of his new beer.

"you sure you don't mind? you and her seemed really touchy"

"nah, i got my eye on someone else anyways"

you don't want to ask and invaid his privacy but its prying at you inside to find out. but also you kind of don't want to know just because the idea of it not being you would ruin your mood. not that you like him or anything.

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