him - p.p. [soulmate!au]

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never done one of these so i might as well try. also sorry for disappearing for another month good chance i'll dissapeared for another tho

when your soulmate for the first time and stare into their eyes color fills your

i headed through the metal double doors into the big hell hole called school early on monday morning, ready to punch whoever talks to me. i was a genuinely friendly person just i don't talk much so not many people knew that. i weaved my way through the crowd of your school to my locker, and there he was, at the locker next to mine. peter parker. this is your classic shy girl likes the boy and is way too scared to talk to him even though he could be the nicest boy ever. which i will never know because i'm way too scared to talk to him. 

"watch it- oh hey y/n" said mj or as i like to call her my only friend. 

"to early" i mumbled back. 

"oh shut up, hey looser" she looked over you to peter who was shoving it seemed like all his textbooks from his bag to his locker. 

"hey mj, hey y/n" he said with a smile. i'm not completely sure how he is so awake and happy seeming so early in the morning. 

i glanced up at him for maybe half a second, gave him a small smile and wave and instantly looked back down. i am pretty sure that he has already found his soulmate, liz allen. they went to homecoming together and they seemed so happy together. she moved but i just figured that they call and text all the time. mj has already met her soulmate, gwen stacy. they are pretty different in some ways, like gwen is popular and mj is not but they go together well. 

peter walked away as the first bell rang telling people that it's time to go to class. 

"smooth l/n, smooth" mj said laughing down the halls on the way to chemistry.

i make my way to the other side of midtown high to my advanced science which i also have with peter. yay. but he sits on the other side of the classroom as me so i can't make a fool of myself. i now wish that i wouldn't of been so relieved thinking about that while walking into the classroom because now i'm not so lucky. 

i sit down in my seat as the tarty bell rings.

"alright class" mrs. warren said, "you have been stuck in your same seats since the beginning of the year, so i think it is about time for a change." many people were happy about this, and it's not like i don't  want to sit next peter, i just don't want to make a fool of myself infront of peter. 

"ok! we're gonna go table by table so when i say your name go to the table right away to avoid any confusion, got it? good, so it goes, liz and abraham, flash and cindy, ned and betty, y/n and" please don't say peter, please don't say peter, please don't say peter "peter" yay the one person that i can't talk to or even look at because you will literally trip on your words so hard that i will somehow call his aunt a bitch or something. 

i walked to my table with peter trailing close behind me. 

"hey" he said quietly while sitting down. 

"h-hi" i didn't even look up because in my mind some how just looking at him will make him hate me. (stop this is the most i'm shy pick me girl thing ever i'm so sorry for you who are reading this)

ms. warren goes through her lesson which is nothing peter and i don't know already but we pay some amount of attention anyways. 

she finishes her lesson after way to much time and hands us our homework telling us it's a group project with our table partner. yay. i can't tell if i'm being sarcastic or not anymore. 

"want to come to my apartment after school to work on the project? i'm sure my aunt will be cool with it" peter said to me as ms. warren turned around and let us talk for the last couple minutes.

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