my brothers best friend - z.

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this is for my fruity fellows i hope you enjoy this because trust me i am.


"im home mom!" i yelled as i walked in the door shrugging my bag to the floor and un-doing the laces of my converse.

"moms not home its just me and zen!" tom yelled through the house. zen or zendaya whatever you wanna call her is tom's best friend, and before you ask no they don't have some secret feelings for each other considering tom has a boyfriend >i decided were all gonna be fruity now< and zen is also on the fruity side. i knew zen well just we aren't best friends, but she's the closest friend i have which is saying something considering the only time we talk is when she's hanging out with tom.

"k ima be in my room! i got my air pods in so im not gonna hear you but don't start fucking just in case!" i yelled back to him. it was always a joke for us as they were both out (of the closet) and i technically am but i'm not really that out. only tom knows, our parents were away often on business trips and they kind of like forgot we exist but they still give us a bunch of money as if that makes up for it, but i got over it awhile ago.

"oh shut up" tom yelled as i herd zen laughing. >i'm still watching kc undercover so this is nice<

i went to the kitchen and grabbed a totally healthy snack that was not poptarts and lemonade and headed up to my room still lightly chuckling.

i put in my headphones and turned on my playlist and grabbed the book i'm reading off of my side table.

after a couple hours and finishing the book i started with and beginning another i decided it's time i go and get something else from downstairs considering that i haven't left my room in awhile.

as i make my way down the stairs i see tom and zen laying on the couch but what startled me the most is that it was pitch dark outside.

"when the fuck did it get so late?!" i exclaimed as i made my way to the couch where they are.

"yeah well i'm surprised that you crawled out of your hole" tom said with a smirk on his face before zen slapped him across the head.

"come watch the show with us y/n/n" zen said and patted the spot next to her. i smiled and walked over and sat next to her. it then dawned on me that they were watching wanda vision.

"oh dude i love this show!"i said to zen as the first episode was only started about 10 minutes ago.

"same" she said quietly not wanting to ruin the atmosphere.

time skip cuz im lazy

we were already on the 6th episode and tom had been passed out for a couple episodes now and zen and i were barely awake. i grabbed a blanket from beside me and draped it over me and zen.

"thank you" she said tiredly snuggling into the couch.

"mhm" i was to tired to use actual words so thats the best i got.

we fell asleep almost instantly after i started to lean and without realizing it i was leaning on zen.

i ended up scooting even closer to her and fully was laying on her and she ended up putting her arms around me and laying down to where i was on top of her.

time skip to like a few hours later

i had woken up after something was shifting beneath me only to realize i was fully laying on zen.

"shit" i muttered quietly before carefully getting off her and standing up. i decided i should probably get some water so i walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and filled it up. i stood there facing the window with my back r words the living room gazing at the stars while drinking my water when two cold hands slither around my waist. it startled me so
much i dropped the glass only for it to fall on the mat and be ok.

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