I'm Sorry For Your Loss

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Corey sat in the front seat of the car, staring out the window at the unfamiliar landscape. Her music was loud in their ears and his eyes flicked over to Sersi who was driving, then to the two in the backseat. Sprite had fallen asleep and was resting gently on Ikaris's shoulder.

She'd changed before they'd left and now wore a striped shirt with overalls, and a rain jacket. He'd also changed their earrings to a honey bottle with bees. The others had no idea how the whole outfit had fit in her small bag but none of them asked her.

She stared to the one side where there seemed to be a thunderstorm, she was glad that her music drowned out the noise of it. He wasn't a fan of thunderstorms, they were too loud.

The sun was setting when the car pulled up to a house, she turned her music off and pulled her earphones out tying them neatly before putting them in her bag which sat at her feet.

She got out of the car and followed the others as they headed toward the house.

"Hello?" Sersi called out, there wasn't a response.

"Ajak?" She asked and the wind whistled in reply.

They stared at an open door as the wind whipped through the house, Corey shivered slightly.

Sersi led them outside to what could've been the front or the back yard it was too dark for Corey to tell much, the sun had disappeared for the night.

Suddenly Sersi spotted something and began running forward.

"Ajak!" Her voice was filled with worry.

She stopped and bent down giving Corey enough time to catch up.

Her breath caught as she looked at the sight, she was lying there, who she assumed to be Ajak. Sersi reached and touched her face for a moment.

"Is she dead?" Corey asked quietly, her voice filled with worry.

Nobody responded but Sprite fell to her knees sniffling which gave the answer.

"It was a Deviant," Ikaris declared looking at the body.


Corey sat outside on the steps that led up into the house, she shivered slightly as the wind tugged at her hair and clothes.

The sound of someone walking up behind her made her turn around, it was Sprite their face stained with tears.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Corey told them although she knew the words didn't mean much.

"She sounded nice, Ajak that is. And if you need anything, or someone to talk to who isn't gonna be able to relate at all I'm here and I can help you as best I can." Corey looked up at Sprite who sat down beside her.

"She was kind, she never stopped caring about us. Never gave up on us, never gave up on me." Sprite told her and they both stared into the darkness.

"I'm sure she'd be proud of you," Corey told them and Sprite stared at her.

"What makes you say that?"

"Because look at what you've done since I've met you, you've saved people, you saved me. If she isn't proud of you then she's wrong." Corey said the last part firmly.

"But it's not wise to speak ill of the dead, that's what my grandma says anyways," Corey continued and Sprite seemed to smile a little.

"As I said before, you need someone to talk to who won't know what you're going through but will understand then I'm here for you. Sometimes I find it's best to talk to people who may not have experienced it so they can help you carry the weight," Corey told them and Sprite looked at her.

"Yeah...thanks," Sprite said quietly.

Then they stood up and walked back into the house.

Corey stayed out there lost in thought, the electricity seemed to spark then go out and the darkness surrounded her.

She stood up quickly and ran into the house to find the others, she didn't know what that meant but it didn't sound good.

Corey could hear them shuffling as they headed outside to find Sersi, she was sitting still.

"Sersi! Sersi! Are you ok?" Sprite asked her and Corey knelt down too, worried.

"What happened Sersi?" Ikaris asked her.

"The sphere that Ajak used to talk with Arishem, it came out of her body and went inside me," Sersi told us.

"Who's Arishem?" Corey asked confused.

"Did you talk with Arishem?" Ikaris asked her ignoring Corey's question.

"Yes. He said it's almost time." She responded.

"Can you try talking to him again?" Sprite asked her.

"I don't know how," Sersi said.

"But she chose you to replace her. And she gave you the sphere." Sprite insisted.

"Hold on, Sprite. Are you sure you talked with Arishem?" Ikaris asked.

"What else would it be?" Sprite asked.

"Mahd Wy'ry," He said and Corey looked at him.

"Can someone explain who Arishem is and what Mahd Wy'ry is?" She asked looking at them.

"Arishem is our sort of boss I guess you could say, and Mahd Wy'ry," Sprite trailed off.

"It's as if your mind is fractured breaking under the weight of your memories. It can cause you to do...unpleasant things as if you are in a trance." Sersi explained.

"Well, you can't have that right? Right..?"


Poor Ajak who's dead...so how y'all doing? How's it going?



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