You're A Brave Human, Corey

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Corey sat on a table cross-legged eating Fuzzy Peaches, when the beeping started it was coming from the globe-type thing in the center of the room and Sersi came running in almost as soon as it started.

"Oh no, my god." Phastos groaned worried.

"What about the Uni-Mind?" Sersi asked him.

"I haven't figured out a way to connect us but I'm close. I'm very very close," Phastos told her.

"How much longer?" Sersi questioned.

"I don't know, Sersi!" He yelled. Corey popped another Fuzzy Peach in her mouth trying not to think about the end of the world.

"Find the point of emergence," Phastos ordered Makkari who disappeared at lightning pace.

Ikaris came in dressed as if he was ready for battle.

"I'm close to figuring it out-" If there was something Phastos wanted to say after he didn't get the chance. Ikaris laser-eyed the thing and Phastos fell backward, Corey covered her ears the noise pounding in her skull.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Kingo asked him.

"I've let this go on long enough," Ikaris told him and Corey sat on the table watching, unsure as to what exactly was happening.

"Don't hurt him!" Sersi yelled running to Phastos's side, helping him up. "He lied to us."

"He already knew about the emergence," Sersi told them, Corey seemed frozen in place, in shock, and in fear.

"No, he didn't," Kingo argued.

"Ajak told me everything when we left Babylon," Ikaris said.

"What?" Kingo asked.

"You were never gonna let us stop the emergence," Phastos realized.

"No," Ikaris confirmed. "I only wanted to protect you from the Deviants."

"If Ajak wanted you to take her place, why did she choose me?" Sersi asked and Ikaris looked away.

"What have you done?" She asked staring into his eyes.

"He killed her," Druig told them and Corey choked on her Fuzzy Peach coughing a couple times.

"What?" Corey asked tilting her head as she stared at Ikaris.

"I had to," Ikaris said.

"She loved you."

"Did she?" Ikaris asked.

"She loved you," Sersi repeated.

"Do you think it was easy to live with the truth?" Ikaris asked. "To know that one day this would all end? To keep on lying to you?"

"If we gave humanity the choice, how many of them would be willing to die so that billions more could be born?" Ikaris asked.

"We're not giving them a choice," Phastos reminded him. "Is this why you're willing to kill? You are so pathetic!"

"I'm an Eternal, Phastos, I exist for Arishem. As do you, it's who you are." Ikaris told him.

"I wouldn't change a single thing about who I am. Born or made. But I do not exist for Arishem. I exist for my family!" Phastos told him and Corey nodded.

"Then you're making the same mistake Ajak did," Ikaris told him.

Just then Makkari zoomed back into the room. She signed that she'd found Tiamut (the book was really coming in handy.)

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